Difference between revisions of "ProDon:Table of Contents"

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(Commitments module)
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{{Header_TOC}}This is the table of contents of ProDon help documentation.
This is the table of contents of ProDon help documentation.
To find a help document, consult the list or search by using the search tool available in the left-hand menu.<br><br>
To find a help document, consult the list or search by using the search tool available in the left-hand menu.<br><br>
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== General  ==
== General  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Lexicon|Lexicon]]   
[[Common functions:Web Update|Web Update]]  
| Summary list of the main terms of the software.
[[Common functions:Performing Data Backup|Performing Data Backup]]  
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Web Update|Web Update]]  
| Procedure to update your application.
[[Common functions:Restoring Data|Restoring Data]]  
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Performing Data Backup|Performing Data Backup]]  
| Procedure to perform a data backup.
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Restoring Data|Restoring Data]]  
| Procedure to perform a data restore.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Update-Help_-_from_ProDon_4_to_ProDon_5|Help for the update of Prodon 4 to ProDon 5]]
|Procedure to complete the migration assistant.
== General Configuration  ==
== General Configuration  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Preferences|Preferences]]
| Explanations on the user and the system preferences of '''''ProDon'''''.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Default Values|Default Values]]
| Explanations on the configuration of default values, in order to speed up the high volume entry of clients, commitments and transactions.
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Dynamic Drop-down Lists|Dynamic Drop-down Lists]]
| Procedure to use dynamic drop-down lists.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Period Management|Period Management]]
| Procedure to create, manage and use periods.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Region Management|Region Management]]
| Procedure to create, manage and use regions.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Summary Management|Summary Management]]
| Procedure to create summaries that are used in master documents and custom reports.
[[ProDon:Default Values|Default Values]]
[[Common functions:Dynamic Drop-down Lists|Dynamic Drop-down Lists]]
[[ProDon:Period Management|Period Management]]
[[ProDon:Region Management|Region Management]]
[[ProDon:Summary Management|Summary Management]]
== Transaction structure configuration  ==
== Transaction structure configuration  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[ProDon:Campaign Management|Campaign Management]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Campaign Management|Campaign Management]]  
[[ProDon:Origin Code Management|Origin Code Management]]  
| Explanations on how to create and manage campaigns.
[[ProDon:Accounting System Links Management|Accounting System Links Management]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Origin Code Management|Origin Code Management]]  
| Procedure to create origin codes.
[[ProDon:Donation Occasion Management|Donation Occasion Management]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Chart of Account Management|Chart of Account Management]]  
[[ProDon:In Memoriam Gifts|''In Memoriam'' Donations]]  
| Procedure to create General Ledger accounts.
[[ProDon:Participant Management|Participant Management]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Donation Occasion Management|Donation Occasion Management]]  
| Explanations for creating and managing donation occasions. Revenues and expenditures.
[[ProDon:Payment Method Management|Payment Method Management]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:In Memoriam Gifts|''In Memoriam'' Gifts]]  
| Procedure for the configuration, the entry and the follow-up of ''In Memoriam'' gifts.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Participant Management|Participant Management]]  
| Procedure to configure and use the notion of participant.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Item Management|Item Management]]
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Payment Method Management|Payment Method Management]]  
| Procedure to create payment methods.
== Receipts configuration  ==
== Receipts configuration  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[ProDon:General Configuration of the Receipt|General Configuration of the Receipt]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:General Configuration of the Receipt|General Configuration of the Receipt]]  
[[ProDon:Configuration of a Standard Type Receipt|Configuration of a Standard Type Receipt]]  
| Explanations on the settings relating to receipts.
[[ProDon:Configuration of a Word Type Receipt|Configuration of a '''''Word''''' Type Receipt]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Configuration of a Standard Type Receipt|Configuration of a Standard Type Receipt]]  
| Procedure to configure a standard type receipt.
[[ProDon:Configuration of a Thank-you Letter Integrated to a Receipt|Configuration of a Thank-you Letter Integrated]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Configuration of a Word Type Receipt|Configuration of a '''''Word''''' Type Receipt]]  
[[ProDon:'To be calculated' Status to 'To be issued'|'To be calculated' Status to 'To be issued']]  
| Procedure to configure a '''''Word''''' type receipt.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Configuration of a Thank-you Letter Integrated to a Receipt|Configuration of a Thank-you Letter Integrated]]  
| Procedure to configure a thank-you letter integrated to a receipt.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:'To be calculated' Status to 'To be issued'|'To be calculated' Status to 'To be issued']]  
| Procedure to modify the status of a receipt from "To be calculated" to "To be issued".
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== Customization of the database  ==
== Customization of the database  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[ProDon:Categories vs Customized Fields vs Characteristics|Categories vs Customized Fields vs Characteristics]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Categories vs Customized Fields vs Characteristics|Categories vs Customized Fields vs Characteristics]]  
| Comparison and use of the 3 customization methods.
[[ProDon:Characteristic Management|Characteristic Management]]  
| width="400" | Categories
| Procedure to create and use categorie.
[[ProDon:Customized Field Configuration|Customized Field Configuration]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Characteristic Management|Characteristic Management]]  
| Procedure to create, manage and use characteristics.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Customized Field Configuration|Customized Field Configuration]]  
| Procedure to create and use customized fileds.
== Transaction processing and Deposit loop  ==
== Transaction processing and Deposit loop  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[ProDon:Transaction_Processing|Transaction Processing]]
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Transaction_Processing|Transaction Processing]]
[[ProDon:Transaction Logging|Transaction Logging]]  
| Simplified transaction processing
[[ProDon:Expenditure Transaction Logging|Expenditure Transaction Logging]]  
| width="400" | Transactions management
| Comming soon
[[ProDon:Negative Transaction Entry|Negative Transaction Entry]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Transaction Logging|Transaction Logging]]  
[[ProDon:Entry of Volunteer Hours|Entry of Volunteer Hours]]  
| Procedure that explains how to enter different types of transactions.
[[ProDon:Validation and Transfer of a Transaction Batch|Validation and Transfer of a Transaction Batch]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Different Clients of a Transaction|Different Clients of a Transaction]]
| Coming soon
[[ProDon:Processing Receipts to be Issued|Processing Receipts to be Issued]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Expenditure Transaction Logging|Expenditure Transaction Logging]]  
[[ProDon:Processing Documents to be Issued|Processing Documents to be Issued]]  
| Procedure explaining the entry of expenditure transactions.
[[ProDon:Cancelling a Transaction|Cancelling a Transaction]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Negative Transaction Entry|Negative Transaction Entry]]  
| Procedure to credit a transaction.
[[ProDon:Cancelling, Reissuing and Reprinting Receipts|Cancelling, Reissuing and Reprinting Receipts]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Entry of Volunteer Hours|Entry of Volunteer Hours]]  
[[ProDon:List of Issued and/or Cancelled Receipts|List of Issued and/or Cancelled Receipts]]  
| Procedure to enter the number of hours worked (e.g. volunteer work).
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Validation and Transfer of a Transaction Batch|Validation and Transfer of a Transaction Batch]]  
| Procedure that explains how to validate and transfer a transaction batch.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Processing Receipts to be Issued|Processing Receipts to be Issued]]  
| Procedure for the issuance of receipts following transactions entry.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Processing Documents to be Issued|Processing Documents to be Issued]]  
| Procedure for the issuance of documents following the entry of transactions.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Cancelling a Transaction|Cancelling a Transaction]]  
| Procedure to cancel a transaction and to understand the impact on the reports.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Cancelling, Reissuing and Reprinting Receipts|Cancelling, Reissuing and Reprinting Receipts]]  
| Procedure to cancel, reissue or reprint receipts.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:List of Issued and/or Cancelled Receipts|List of Issued and/or Cancelled Receipts]]  
| Procedure to view the list of issued and/or cancelled receipts.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Bank_Rejections|Process Bank Rejections]]
| Procedure to help with the processing of bank rejects.
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== Clients  ==
== Clients  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[ProDon Procedure to add a client|Procedure to add a client]]
| width="400" | [[ProDon Procedure to add a client|Procedure to add a client]]
[[ProDon:Client Management|Client Management]]  
| Procedure to add a client
[[ProDon:Client File|Client file]]
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Client Management|Client Management]]  
| Explanations on the elements present in the client management and in the client file.
[[ProDon:Manipulation_of_client_file_tabs|Manipulation of client file tabs]]
| width="400" |Client file
| Coming soon
[[ProDon:Searching and Eliminating Duplicates|Searching and Eliminating Duplicates]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Manipulation_of_client_file_tabs|Manipulation of client file tabs]]
| Document describing the client file tabs.
[[ProDon:Merging and Deleting a Client|Merging and Deleting a Client]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Relations|Contacts and Links]]  
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Searching and Eliminating Duplicates|Searching and Eliminating Duplicates]]  
| Procedure to search and eliminate duplicates.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Merging and Deleting a Client|Merging and Deleting a Client]]  
| Procedure to eliminate a known duplicate.
== Couple management  ==
[[ProDon:Issuance of couple receipt|Issuance of couple receipt]]
== Multi-management / Information extraction  ==
== Multi-management / Information extraction  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[Common functions:View Management|View Management]]  
| width="400" | [[Common functions:View Management|View Management]]  
| Procedure to configure views in the different managements.
[[ProDon:Client and Individual vs Other Fields|Client and Individual vs Other Fields]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Client and Individual vs Other Fields|Client and Individual vs Other Fields]]  
[[Common functions:Search Bar|Search Bar]]  
| Explanations on the use of these fields.
[[Common functions:Filter Data (Queries)|Filter Data (Queries)]]  
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Search Bar|Search Bar]]  
| Explanations on the search bar.
[[Common functions:Exporting and Merging Data|Exporting and Merging Data]]  
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Filter Data (Queries)|Filter Data (Queries)]]  
[[ProDon:Customized Lists|Customized Lists]]  
| Explanations on the "Filter Data" tool.
[[ProDon:Custom Reports|Custom Reports]]  
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Exporting and Merging Data|Exporting and Merging Data]]  
| Procedure to export a grid from '''''ProDon''''' to a '''''Word''''', '''''Excel''''' or '''''Text''''' document.
[[ProDon:Analysis Summary|Analysis Summary]]
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Customized Lists|Customized Lists]]  
[[ProDon:Task and History Management - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)|Task and History Management]]  
| Explanations on how to create and use customized lists.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Custom Reports|Custom Reports]]  
| Procedure to configure and use custom reports.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Analysis Summary|Analysis Summary]]  
| Explanations concerning the use of summaries in "Analysis and history".
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Task and History Management - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)|Task and History Management]]  
| Procedure to manage tasks and history, as well as reminders.
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== Mass mailing and master documents  ==
== Mass mailing and master documents  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[ProDon:Master Document Management|Master Document Management]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Master Document Management|Master Document Management]]  
[[ProDon:Duplicating a Master Document|Duplicating a Master Document]]  
| Procedure to create master documents integrated to '''''ProDon'''''.
[[ProDon:Integrating a Word Document in the Database|Integrating a '''''Word''''' Document in the Database]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Duplicating a Master Document|Duplicating a Master Document]]  
| Procedure to create a new master document based on a '''''ProDon''''' master document.
[[ProDon:Mass Mailing|Mass Mailing]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Integrating a Word Document in the Database|Integrating a '''''Word''''' Document in the Database]]  
[[ProDon:Mailing History|Mailing History]]  
| Procedure to integrate an existing '''''Word''''' document as master document in the database.
[[ProDon:Labels or Envelopes Word 2002-2003|Labels or Envelopes '''''Word''''' 2002-2003]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Mass Mailing|Mass Mailing]]  
| Procedure for the use of the mass mailing functions.
[[ProDon:Labels or Envelopes Word 2007|Labels or Envelopes '''''Word''''' 2007]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Mailing History|Mailing History]]  
[[ProDon:Labels or Envelopes Word 2010|Labels or Envelopes '''''Word''''' 2010]]  
| Procedure for the configuration, the creation and the use of mailings.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Labels or Envelopes Word 2002-2003|Labels or Envelopes '''''Word''''' 2002-2003]]  
| Procedure to create labels or envelopes master documents if your '''''Word''''' version is from 2002 or 2003.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Labels or Envelopes Word 2007|Labels or Envelopes '''''Word''''' 2007]]  
| Procedure to create labels or envelopes master documents if your '''''Word''''' version is from 2007.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Labels or Envelopes Word 2010|Labels or Envelopes '''''Word''''' 2010]]  
| Procedure to create labels or envelopes master documents if your '''''Word''''' version is from 2010.
== Available modules  ==
== Available modules  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[ProDon:Accounting Integration Module|Accounting Integration Module]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Accounting Integration Module|Accounting Integration Module]]  
[[ProDon:Beneficiaries Module|Beneficiaries Module]]  
| Configuration and use of importation modules to import data from '''''CSV''''' files.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Beneficiaries Module|Beneficiaries Module]]  
| Procedure for the configuration and the entry of beneficiary type transaction.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Electronic Transaction Module - PaySafe|Electronic Transaction Module]]
| Procedure to enter and process electronic transactions.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Invoicing Module|Invoicing Module]]
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Multi-organization Module|Multi-organization Module]]
| Coming soon
== Multi-user module  ==
== Multiuser module  ==
[[ProDon:User Management|Creating a new user]]
[[ProDon:User Management|Creating a new user group]]
[[Common_functions:Visibility_in_views,_filters,_tasks,_etc.|Visibility in views, filters, tasks, etc.]]
[[ProDon:Copy_user_preferences_to_another_user|Copy user preferences to another user]]
[[ProDon:Change_user_password|Change a user password]]
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| width="400" | [[ProDon:User Management|Creating a new user]]
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:User Management|Creating a new user group]]
| Coming soon
| width="400" | Visibility in views, filters, tasks, etc.
| Coming soon
| width="400" | Copy the views and preferences from one user to another
| Coming soon
| width="400" | Change a user password
| Coming soon
== Imports module  ==
== Imports module  ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
[[ProDon:Importation Modules|Client import and update module]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Importation Modules|Client import and update module]]  
[[ProDon:Importation Modules|Transaction import]]  
| Configuration and use of importation modules to import clients from '''''CSV''''' files.
[[ProDon:Importation Modules|Commitment import]]  
| width="400" | Address import
| Coming soon
| width="400" | Means of communication import
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Importation Modules|Transaction import]]  
| Configuration and use of importation modules to import transactions from '''''CSV''''' files.
| width="400" | Receipts import
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Importation Modules|Commitment import]]  
| Configuration and use of importation modules to import commitments from '''''CSV''''' files.
| width="400" | Tasks import
| Coming soon
== Commitments module  ==
== Commitments module  ==
[[ProDon:Commitment_Management_(Objective_vs_Automatic)|Commitment Management (Objective vs Automatic)]]
[[ProDon:Entering_a_commitment_by_objective|Entering a commitment by objective]]
[[ProDon:Entering_an_automatic_commitment|Entering an automatic commitment]]
[[ProDon:Generate_Automatic_Commitment_Transactions|Automatic Commitment Transactions]]
[[ProDon:Mass Mailing, follow-ups and reminders for commitments by objective|Mass Mailing, follow-ups and reminders for commitments by objective]]
[[ProDon:Mass_Mailing,_follow-ups_and_reminders_for_automatic_commitments|Mass Mailing, follow-ups and reminders for automatic commitments]]
[[ProDon:Generate_Commitment_Reports|Generate Commitment Reports]]
[[ProDon:Link_one_or_more_transactions_to_a_commitment|Link one or more transactions to a commitment]]
[[ProDon:Edit_Commitment_Payment_Information|Edit Commitment Payment Information]]
== Electronic Transaction Module ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Electronic Transaction Module - PaySafe|Electronic Transaction Module]]
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Prospecting_Module|Prospecting]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Bank_Rejections|Process Bank Rejections]]  
| Procedure to enter the information of your prospects
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Commitment_Management_(Objective_vs_Automatic)|Commitment Management (Objective vs Automatic)]]
| Procedure to manage commitments and explanation of each type of commitments.
| width="400" | Procedure to generate commitment transactions 
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Entering_a_commitment_by_objective|Entering a commitment by objective]]
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Entering_an_automatic_commitment|Entering an automatic commitment]]
| Procedure to guide you with entering automatic commitments.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Generate_Automatic_Commitment_Transactions|Automatic Commitment Transactions]]
| Procedure to guide you with automatic type Commitment transactions
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Mass Mailing, follow-ups and reminders for commitments by objective|Mass Mailing, follow-ups and reminders for commitments by objective]]
| Procedure to produce Mass Mailing documents from commitment by objective with the goal of doing follow-ups and reminders.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Mass_Mailing,_follow-ups_and_reminders_for_automatic_commitments|Mass Mailing, follow-ups and reminders for automatic commitments]]
| Procedure to produce Mass Mailing documents from commitment by objective with the goal of doing follow-ups and reminders.
| width="400" | Commitment by objective
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Generate_Commitment_Reports|Generate Commitment Reports]]
| Procedure for generating reports with commitments
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Link_one_or_more_transactions_to_a_commitment|Link one or more transactions to a commitment]]
| Procedure for linking transactions to commitment.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Edit_Commitment_Payment_Information|Edit Commitment Payment Information]]
| Coming soon
== Online donation module  ==
== Online donation module  ==
Line 384: Line 252:
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Home Page and Website Configuration|Home Page and Website Configuration]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Home Page and Website Configuration|Home Page and Website Configuration]]  
| Explanations on how to configure the IMakeAnOnlineDonation home page and website.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Creating a Web Form|Creating a Web Form]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Creating a Web Form|Creating a Web Form]]  
| Explanations on how to create a Web form.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Web Form Customization Configuration|Web Form Customization Configuration]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Web Form Customization Configuration|Web Form Customization Configuration]]  
| Explanations on how to configure the customizations of a Web form.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Label Configuration|Label Configuration]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Label Configuration|Label Configuration]]  
| Explanations on how to configure the labels of a Web form.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Importing Donations|Importing Donations]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Importing Donations|Importing Donations]]  
| Explanations on how to import donations online.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Viewing Donations|Viewing Donations]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Viewing Donations|Viewing Donations]]  
| Explanations on how to view imported online donations.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:URL Address of the Form|URL&nbsp;Address of the Form]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:URL Address of the Form|URL&nbsp;Address of the Form]]  
| Explanations on how to find the hyperlink of a Web form.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Web Form Parameters (Online Donation Module)|Web Form Parameters (Online Donation Module)]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Web Form Parameters (Online Donation Module)|Web Form Parameters (Online Donation Module)]]  
| Explanations on the possible fields and values of the Web forms.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Integration with Online Donation Forms|Integration with Online Donation Forms]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Integration with Online Donation Forms|Integration with Online Donation Forms]]  
| Explanations on the integration with Online Donation Forms
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Back office|Back office]]
== E-mail blast module  ==
== E-mail blast module  ==
Line 418: Line 279:
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Preparing the Master Document|Preparing the Master Document]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Preparing the Master Document|Preparing the Master Document]]  
| Procedure to add and modify an E-mail Blast master document.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Preparing the Distribution List|Preparing the Distribution List]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Preparing the Distribution List|Preparing the Distribution List]]  
| Procedure to prepare a distribution list.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Sending the E-mail Blast|Sending the E-mail Blast]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Sending the E-mail Blast|Sending the E-mail Blast]]  
| Procedure to configure the mailing of an E-mail Blast.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Viewing Mailing Statistics|Viewing Mailing Statistics]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Viewing Mailing Statistics|Viewing Mailing Statistics]]  
| Procedure to view the mailing statistics of an E-mail Blast.
== Technical documents ==
== eReceipt Module ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Client_file's_eReceipt_options|eReceipt options]]
|[http://wikien.logilys.com/index.php/ProDon:Thank-you_email_configuration Thank-you email configuration]
== Update descriptions ==
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,001700&l=1&w=5,001799 Prodon 5.0.17]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,001600&l=1&w=5,001699 Prodon 5.0.16]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,001500&l=1&w=5,001599 Prodon 5.0.15]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,001400&l=1&w=5,001499 Prodon 5.0.14]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,001300&l=1&w=5,001399 Prodon 5.0.13]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,001200&l=1&w=5,001299 Prodon 5.0.12]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,001100&l=1&w=5,001199 Prodon 5.0.11]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,001000&l=1&w=5,001099 Prodon 5.0.10]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,000900&l=1&w=5,000999 Prodon 5.0.9]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,000800&l=1&w=5,000899 Prodon 5.0.8]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,000700&l=1&w=5,000799 Prodon 5.0.7]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,000600&l=1&w=5,000699 Prodon 5.0.6]
| width="400" | [[ProDon:FAQ - PCI Standards|FAQ - PCI Standards]]
|[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,000500&l=1&w=5,000599 Prodon 5.0.5]
| Frequently asked questions concerning the PCI Standards.
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Removing the Data Source from a Master Document|Removing the Data Source from a Master Document]]  
| width="400" | [http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,000400&l=1&w=5,000499 ProDon 5.0.4]  
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Automated Data Saving through a Planned Task|Automated Data Saving through a Planned Task]]  
| width="400" |[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,000300&l=1&w=5,000399 ProDon 5.0.3]
| Coming soon
| width="400" | [[Common functions:VPN and Performance|VPN and Performance]]
| width="400" |[http://public.logilys.net/updater/versionProLys.asp?a=30&v=5,000200&l=1&w=5,000299 ProDon 5.0.2]
| Coming soon
== Documents ==
=== Technical documents  ===
== Training plans  ==
{| class="wikitable" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1"
|[http://doc.logilys.com/ventes/hardware_software_requirements.pdf Hardware and software requirements]
|[https://wikien.logilys.com/index.php/ProDon:Sending_domain_authentifications Sending domain authentifications]
| width="400" | [[ProDon:FAQ - PCI Standards|FAQ - PCI Standards]]
|[[Common functions:Office 365 for our LogiCloud hosting service|Office 365 for our LogiCloud hosting service]]
=== Training plans ===
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
|[http://logilys.com/documents/prodon/introduction_to_prodon.pdf Introduction to ProDon]
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Training Plan - E-mail Blast Module|E-mail Blast Module]]  
| width="400" | [[Common functions:Training Plan - E-mail Blast Module|E-mail Blast Module]]  
| Training plan E-mail Blast module.
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Training Plan - Online Donation Module|Online Donation Module]]  
| width="400" | [[ProDon:Training Plan - Online Donation Module|Online Donation Module]]  
| Training plan Online donation module.
=== Policies ===
{| width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| width="400" |[https://www.imakeanonlinedonation.org/logizone/conditions.html Terms of use]
|[https://www.imakeanonlinedonation.org/logizone/privacy.html IMakeAnOnlineDonation Confidentiality policy]
|[https://www.jedonneenligne.org/logizone/community.html Community regulations]
| [http://doc.logilys.com/politiques/confidentiality.pdf Logilys Confidentiality policy]
|[https://doc.logilys.com/politiques/SLA_Logilys.pdf Software Licence Agreement]

Latest revision as of 11:24, 28 June 2024

Table of Contents

This is the table of contents of ProDon help documentation.

To find a help document, consult the list or search by using the search tool available in the left-hand menu.



Web Update

Performing Data Backup

Restoring Data

General Configuration


Default Values

Dynamic Drop-down Lists

Period Management

Region Management

Summary Management

Transaction structure configuration

Campaign Management

Origin Code Management

Accounting System Links Management

Donation Occasion Management

In Memoriam Donations

Participant Management

Payment Method Management

Receipts configuration

General Configuration of the Receipt

Configuration of a Standard Type Receipt

Configuration of a Word Type Receipt

Configuration of a Thank-you Letter Integrated

'To be calculated' Status to 'To be issued'

Customization of the database

Categories vs Customized Fields vs Characteristics


Characteristic Management

Customized Field Configuration

Transaction processing and Deposit loop

Transaction Processing

Transaction Logging

Expenditure Transaction Logging

Negative Transaction Entry

Entry of Volunteer Hours

Validation and Transfer of a Transaction Batch

Processing Receipts to be Issued

Processing Documents to be Issued

Cancelling a Transaction

Cancelling, Reissuing and Reprinting Receipts

List of Issued and/or Cancelled Receipts


Procedure to add a client

Client Management

Client file

Manipulation of client file tabs


Searching and Eliminating Duplicates

Merging and Deleting a Client

Couple management

Issuance of couple receipt

Multi-management / Information extraction

View Management

Client and Individual vs Other Fields

Search Bar

Filter Data (Queries)

Exporting and Merging Data

Customized Lists

Custom Reports

Analysis Summary

Task and History Management

Mass mailing and master documents

Master Document Management

Duplicating a Master Document

Integrating a Word Document in the Database

Mass Mailing

Mailing History

Labels or Envelopes Word 2002-2003

Labels or Envelopes Word 2007

Labels or Envelopes Word 2010

Available modules

Accounting Integration Module

Beneficiaries Module

Multiuser module

Creating a new user

Creating a new user group

Visibility in views, filters, tasks, etc.

Copy user preferences to another user

Change a user password

Imports module

Client import and update module

Transaction import

Commitment import

Commitments module


Commitment Management (Objective vs Automatic)

Entering a commitment by objective

Entering an automatic commitment

Automatic Commitment Transactions

Mass Mailing, follow-ups and reminders for commitments by objective

Mass Mailing, follow-ups and reminders for automatic commitments

Generate Commitment Reports

Link one or more transactions to a commitment

Edit Commitment Payment Information

Electronic Transaction Module

Electronic Transaction Module
Process Bank Rejections

Online donation module

Home Page and Website Configuration
Creating a Web Form
Web Form Customization Configuration
Label Configuration
Importing Donations
Viewing Donations
URL Address of the Form
Web Form Parameters (Online Donation Module)
Integration with Online Donation Forms
Back office

E-mail blast module

Preparing the Master Document
Preparing the Distribution List
Sending the E-mail Blast
Viewing Mailing Statistics

eReceipt Module

eReceipt options
Thank-you email configuration

Update descriptions

Prodon 5.0.17
Prodon 5.0.16
Prodon 5.0.15
Prodon 5.0.14
Prodon 5.0.13
Prodon 5.0.12
Prodon 5.0.11
Prodon 5.0.10
Prodon 5.0.9
Prodon 5.0.8
Prodon 5.0.7
Prodon 5.0.6
Prodon 5.0.5
ProDon 5.0.4
ProDon 5.0.3
ProDon 5.0.2


Technical documents

Hardware and software requirements
Sending domain authentifications
FAQ - PCI Standards
Office 365 for our LogiCloud hosting service

Training plans

Introduction to ProDon
E-mail Blast Module
Online Donation Module


Terms of use
IMakeAnOnlineDonation Confidentiality policy
Community regulations
Logilys Confidentiality policy
Software Licence Agreement

Document name: ProDon:Table of Contents