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Client anonymization is a procedure used to anonymize client information in the database so that it is no longer identifiable. It can be used to keep transaction information for searches, filters, reports or statistics.

Data anonymization affects the following information:

  • "Fields in client file"
  • "Relations"
  • "Characteristic"
  • "Customized field"
  • "Category"
  • "Task types"
  • "Means of communication"


There are two new security features in "Client Management' :

  • "Client anonymization"
  • "Client anonymization configuration"

Prodon Anonymization 001.png


An initial configuration needs to be made for each "Type of data" so that the software knows what to do with this data when anonymizing a client.

Anonymization configuration

To configure client anonymization:

  1. Go to "Client Management"
  2. Search, filter or customize a list of clients to be anonymized
  3. Menu "Advanced functions"
  4. Submenu "Client anonymization"
  5. This configuration must be made for each line of information affected by anonymization:
    1. Column "Type of data": select "Non-personal", "Personal" or "Sensitive"
    2. Column "Action": select "Keep" or "Delete"

NOTE : If the "Type of data" value is "Sensitive", the "Action" value will be "Delete"

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Modification of anonymization settings

To make changes in the "Client anonymization configuration"

  1. Go to "Client Management"
  2. Search, filter or customize a list of clients to be anonymized
  3. Menu "Advanced functions"
  4. Submenu "Client anonymization"
  5. Click on "Configure" button

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Adding or modifying data

When adding or modifying data in the software:

  • "Characteristic"
  • "Customized field"
  • "Category"
  • "Task types"
  • "Means of communication"

The anonymization configuration window will be automatically displayed when saving:

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Select the "Type of data" and "Action" for this data if the user has "Client anonymization configuration" security.

NOTE : When the user does not have this security, the following message will be displayed: "You don't have the necessary access to configure client anonymization. Please inform the person in charge that data needs to be configured."

Client anonymization

100% configuration is mandatory before using the function.

Once the configuration is complete, the user with the security features can carry out the procedure.

CAUTION: Client anonymization is an irreversible function, so always make a backup before performing this procedure.

(To find out how to make a backup, see this page.)

Client anonymization procedure

To anonymize clients:

  1. Go to "Client Management"
  2. Search, filter or customize a list of clients to be anonymized
  3. Menu "Advanced functions"
  4. Submenu "Client anonymization"
  5. Click on "Anonymize" button

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Impact of client anonymization

In general

  • "Company" client files will be ignored
  • "Individual" client files with a receipt within the last 6 years will be ignored
  • Client's "Photos" and "Folders" will be emptied
  • In "Relations", the "Relation type" will be changed to "Anonymized client" in all relations
  • The text "Anonymized client" will be entered in "First name", "Last name", "Address", "Identification (Address)", "Long greeting" (personalized only), "Means of communication"
  • Tasks where the client is the main contact will be deleted
  • Tasks where there is only one client (even if they are not the main contact) will be deleted
  • Active commitments will be ended
  • Other fields will be emptied

Impact on IMakeAnOnlineDonation

  • When a client logs on their Logizone account, the transactions made for organizations that have anonymized them will no longer appear in their "Transaction history".
  • When re-importing an online donation and a client has been anonymized, all client information will be empty.
  • In the IMakeAnOnlineDonation report, all client information will be missing.

Impact on microsites (P2P)

  • If the individual was a participant, the participant's page will now be "private" (which will affect the list of top participants) and the participant will be anonymized. (No longer linked to their Logizone and they will no longer appear in the list of participants.)
  • Donations from this individual will be anonymized and the donation visibility will be changed to "Anonymous donation". (Which will affect the list of top participants)
  • In the team, only the team leader will see the presence of an anonymous participant, but for all the others, the participant will not be visible.
  • If an individual logs on to their Logizone and was previously registered, they will no longer be.
  • In the backoffice, the individual will be anonymized in the list of participants, the list of teams (leader + team member), the list of challenges (challenge admin) and the list of donations (donor + participant)

Document name: ProDon:Anonymization
Version : 5.0.10