ProDon:'To be calculated' Status to 'To be issued'

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Template:Header ProDon


In the ProDon "Batch processing: Receipts" menu, there are 5 different types of receipts. Among others, there are the "To be calculated" type receipts.

The "To be calculated" type receipt is a receipt for which the value of the benefit (advantage) has not yet been established; for instance, it could be that the tickets sale has already begun.

The value of the benefit (advantage) is the value of the good or the service that the donor benefits from during the event. For example, in a golf tournament, the donor can get a free round of golf or a free dinner.

When the value of the benefit (advantage) is known, you must enter it in the donation occasion activity, so that the "To be calculated" receipts would move in one of the four other tabs of "Batch processing: Receipts", since a "To be calculated" receipt cannot be issued.

Editing the Status "To be calculated" to "To be issued"

Editing the Receipt Status from "Batch processing: Receipts"

Editing the Receipt Status from the "Donation occasion management"

Editing the Donation Occasion Activity

Document name: ProDon:'To be calculated' Status to 'To be issued'