ProDon:Relation Types

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Relation Types

Manage relation types

Relation types can be created according to the needs of the organization.

To manage relation types, go to the "Clients" menu on the Prodon homepage and click on "Relation Types".
Relation types 001.png
After clicking on the "Relation Types", this window will open.
Relation types 002.png
A : Here is a list of relation types. B : Press the button Bouton Ajouter.png to add a relation type,

the button Modifier.png to modify a relation type

and the button Bouton Retirer.png to remove a relation type.

Add a relation type

After clicking on the button Bouton Ajouter.png, this window will open:
Relation types 003.png

A : Set the code to the type of relation to be created.

B : Names the type of relation between the two entities.
C : Names the type of inverse relation between the two entities. D : By checking this box, you can specify contacts for the companies of a relation. Generally, this box is used to link employees to their respective managers, e.g.: the assistant of.
E : The "integrated types" allow you to choose whether the relation will be Company/Contact, which will create relations between a company an an individual; Spouse, which will create relations only between two individuals or Immediate family, which will also link only two individuals. The choice of checkbox selected will automatically tick the possible checkboxes in F. F : "Allow relations" is used to determine whether a relation will be possible between two companies, two individuals or between a company and an individual.
G : To finish, click on " lien= Confirm Edit".

Document name: ProDon:Relation Types
Version :