ProDon:Beneficiaries Module

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Beneficiaries Module

CAUTION : This document is for ProDon 5. To view version's 4 document, click here.


The beneficiary module helps you track and process your issued donations' information.It offers the same management operations as ProDon for all the donations your company has issued. This module integrates into ProDon in a transparent way. The operations that ProDon lets you do with cash inflow, the Beneficiary Module enables you to do so with cash outflow.


To structure issued transactions, we recommend you to create an origin especially for beneficiary activities:

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 001.png
To start, you must access the origin management menu. In the main menu, click on "Transactions" then "Provenance".

In the window that opens, click onFile:Petit Bouton Plus Ajouter.png to add provenance.

Name them according to your management needs.

Payment Methods

It is possible to create specific payment methods for beneficiary transaction management.

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 003.png

Beneficiary Occasion

First, access Donation Occasion Management and click on Bouton Ajouter.png to add a beneficiary occasion.

A beneficiary occasion has approximately the same structure as standard occasion.

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 004.png
A: You must check the box "Beneficiaries".
B: You can create for activities which type is "Fixed unit price" so that you will be able to issue a fixed amount for an activity.
C: You can create activities which type is « standard », so you will be able to choose the amount to be issued during the transaction. D: There is no receipt for beneficiary activity.

Beneficiary Activities

There are two types of beneficiary activities: fixed and variable amount.

To create a fixed amount activity:

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 005.png
A : Enter the code and the description of your activity.
B: Select the type "Selling price" and enter the amount.
C: Mark the origin of your activity.

To create an activity with a variable amount:

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 006.png
A: Enter your activity code and description.
B: Select "Standard" type.
C: Mark the origin of your activity.

Beneficiary Transactions

To add a beneficiary type transaction, you must first go in transaction management.

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 007.png
A: Click on the tab "Beneficiary".
B: Click on Bouton Ajouter.png to add a transaction.

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 008.png
In the window where you add transaction, you just have to fill the field in the same way as standard transaction.

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 009.png
Note: You will only have access to "beneficiary" occasions.

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 010.png
You can create pending transactions. To do so, select an appropriate payment method as "File Assessed by the Committee" and the transaction will be in the "To Be Paid" tab.

Once your "Batch" is completed, you can report it with Bouton Rapport imprimer.png just as a donation transaction batch.

Beneficiary Reports

Beneficiary Record

From the main menu, choose " Analysis", and "Reports" :

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 011.png
Then, select the report " 1. Donation Occasion Results... ".

Select "Beneficiary occasions", then you can select beneficiary occasions that you specifically need for your record:

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 012.png
Name it, according to your management needs, then click on "Ok".
Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 013.png
A record will be created according to the selected parameters.

Transaction List

Dans « Analyse et Historique » vous trouverez l'onglet du filtre « Bénéficiaire ». Cliquez sur Bouton Rapport imprimer.png dans cette gestion :

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 014.png
Sélectionnez le rapport « 3. Liste des transactions (Format compact)  :
Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 015.png
Sélectionnez le rapport 3. Liste des transactions (Format compact).
Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 016.png
Cochez les options de sommaires ainsi que les

options que vous aurez besoin dans votre rapport 

et cliquez « Ok » par la suite.

Fichier:ProDon5 Bénéficiaire 017.png
Une liste de transactions bénéficiaires sera générée selon les paramètres que vous aurez sélectionnés.

Template:BasPage ProDon Version

Document name: ProDon:Beneficiaries Module
Version : Coming soon