The "Chart of Account Management" allows you to create the General Ledger accounts used in the database. Usually, these General Ledger accounts are linked to the accounts used for accounting; that is, the ones used in the accounting software of the organization.
NOTE: The "Chart of Account Management" contains accounts for revenues and expenditures.
Chart of Account Management
To add or modify General Ledger accounts, you must first go to the "Chart of Account Management".
To do so, from the software home page, click on the "Transactions" menu, then select " Chart of Accounts". |
A: This is the list of all the existing active GL accounts in ProDon. |
B: The button allows you to create a new GL account. To learn how to fill in the addition or editing of GL accounts window, click here. |
C: The button allows you to modify a GL account from the list at A. To learn how to fill in the addition or editing of GL accounts window, click here. |
D: The button allows you to delete a GL account from the list at A. NOTE: It is preferable to deactivate an account rather than deleting it. To learn how to deactivate a GL account, see point H of the "Add /Edit an GL Account" section. |
E: The "Active" tab contains all the GL accounts that are currently active in ProDon. |
F: The "Inactive" tab contains all the GL accounts that are currently inactive in ProDon. NOTE: To learn how to activate or deactivate a GL account, see point H of the "Add / Edit a GL Account" section. |
Add / Edit a General Ledger Account
Document name: ProDon:Accounting