ProDon:Different Clients of a Transaction

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Different Clients of a Transaction


In a transaction, it's possible to associate multiple clients. This document will explain the purpose and description of each client type.

Here’s the purpose and description of the different client types in a transaction:
  1. Donor: The individual or organization making the payment.
  2. Primary Contact: The person who initiated the donation. This is the individual to whom a thank-you letter would be addressed, especially if the donor is a company.
  3. Receipt Contact: In cases where a company is the payer, this is the individual who will receive the tax receipt. This is not necessarily the primary contact.
  4. Third-Party Client: An entity that wants to view the transaction history of a client on their behalf. For example, a credit union's head office would be a third-party client for each individual branch, allowing them to view all transactions made by the branches.
  5. Solicitor: The individual who recruited the donor, or who encouraged the client to make a donation.
  6. Participant: An individual who is taking part in an event. For example, in a golf tournament, if the activity is a foursome, we want to have the names of the four golfers.
  7. Deceased: The individual in whose memory the donation is made.
  8. Person to Notify: The person to be contacted to inform them of donations made in honor of a loved one.
  9. Client linked to (1): A client linked to the transaction but who doesn't fit into the other client categories. For example, in the context of an event, this could be a guest.
  10. Client linked to (2): A client linked to the transaction but who doesn't fit into the other client categories. For example, in the context of child assistance, this could be items like clothing or school supplies.

Please refer to the following table on where to find these clients:

Transaction Transaction History Participants History History of transactions by the deceased person Web Forms
Donor X X X X X
Primary Contact X X X X X
Receipt Contact X X X X
Third-Party Client X X X
Solicitor X X X X X
Participant X X X
Deceased X X
Person to otify X X
Client linked to (1) X X X
Client linked to (2) X X X

---- Document name: ProDon:Different Clients of a Transaction
Version : Coming soon