ProDon:User Management

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User Management


The user management is a very important part of ProDon to be able to create new users, to create user groups, to manage user's rights and accesses, and to edit users.

Add a user

To add a user, click on the "Configuration" menu and then select the "Users" option.

ProDon5 User Management 001.png

ProDon5 User Management 002.png

A: These three buttons are used to add Bouton Ajouter.png, edit Button Edit.png or delete Button Minus remove delete.png a user.

B: The exportation and merge button allowing to export and merge items of the list.

C: Configuration allowing to chose to which organization the user is linked. This button is only available if you are having the Multi-organization Module.

New user configuration

After clicking on Button add plus.png, this window will open:
ProDon5 User Management 003.png

A: User name that will be used to log into the software.

B: User's full name.

C: Let you link a user to their client file. You are not forced to link a user to a client.

D: This option allows to create a group. You must set the accesses of the group. Then, you will have to assign members by creating new users and by assigning the group to the option in F.

E: This option allows to deactivate a user. Ideally, never delete a user, because everything the user has done into your software is linked to this user. It is important to keep track of everything that has been done in your ProDon.

F: This option allows to select the group which will set the user's accesses. It is not required to link a user to a group, but to save some work, it is recommended to create groups and class users according to their accesses.

G: Password choice.

H: Password confirmation.

I: Allows to select the user accesses.

J: Display the accesses, their descriptions and the section in which they are.

Edit accesses, deactivate and rename a user

Sometimes, it is possible that you have to edit, deactivate or rename a user. To do so, you have to click on the edit button or double-click on the user.

After clicking on Button Edit.png, this window will open:
ProDon5 User Management 004.png

A: In this section, you can edit the user name in the software.

B: To rename a user, you will only have to enter the new information in this box.

CAUTION: You will have to be extremely cautious, the name will be edited EVERYWHERE in ProDon. So, it is strongly advise against renaming a user to give it the name of a new user. For example, you rename the user "Jimmy" into "Bobby". If "Jimmy" has created 1000 clients, now, it will be written into the software that "Bobby" has created those clients. So, for not loosing tracks, the best idea is to deactivate the first user and create a new one.

C: For deactivating a user, click on this box.

D: To edit the accesses and securities of a user, you have to select the security. There are 2 types of access rights: AEDV and Yes/No. The Yes/No access type can be change by pushing the space bar of your keyboard.

E: Here is the description of the AEDV accesses. To give or remove an access, you have to push on the letter in question on your keyboard. For example, to give the "Add" access, push the letter "A" and to give the "Edit" access, push the letter "E", etc. To give all the accesses, you can push the space bar of your keyboard.

F: Allows to search for accesses. The Button funky check mark.png button allows to activate them all and the Button funky x.png button allows to remove all of them.

Rename Example

This is an example of what happens in the software when you rename a user.

In this example, you see that the user "Jimmy Guillemette" has created the client "Bobby Bob".
ProDon5 User Management 007.png
Then, "Jimmy" announce to you that he has changed his last name. He has become "Jimmy Burns", so you will have to go to "Edit / View a user".
ProDon5 User Management 008.png
When you go back to see who created the client "Bobby Bob", the name of the person who created it has been edited.
ProDon5 User Management 009.png
This is why you must not rename users lightly, because it will make you loose important information.

Create an access group

It is very useful to create access group, because this will help you avoiding to do this each time you add a user.

In the first window, click on the Button add plus.png button, this window will open:
ProDon5 User Management 005.png

A: In this section, you will name the group like you want.

B: In this box, you will enter the name of the group.

C: You must check this box to create a group.

D: Here, you will select accesses and securities for the group.

Then, to assign a user to a group, you only have to go into a user file, in the group box and select the group in question.

ProDon5 User Management 006.png

Document name: ProDon:User Management
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