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Summary List of the Main Terms of the Software

Here is a summary list of the main terms used in the help documentation.

Help documents are produced to facilitate learning and to offer a better understanding of the software, which will allow you to use it at its full potential. 

Those documents are updated as much as possible and new ones are created following the analysis of the interventions made with our clients. When reading those documents, if certain parts do not seem clear, or if you find mistakes, it is important to let us know so we can make the necessary corrections. 

Thank you for your cooperation!

Accounting integration
Transfer of accounting information to an accounting software external to ProDon.

For more information on the accounting integration module, see the "Accounting Integration Module" document. 

Active list
Lists of all the records displayed in the management grid.

For further details, see the "Preparing the Active List" section of the "Customized Lists" document.


For each donation occasion, one or several activities must be created in order to detail the transactions linked to this donation occasion.

For more information on the activities, see the "Editing a Donation Occasion" section of the "Donation Occasion Management" document.

Advanced features

Menu available in several ProDon managements which contains many advanced modification functions. This menu is only visible to the supervisor user.


Represents the potential path of a client towards another through the links that bind them to other clients. For example, to quickly verify if the fundation knows someone who knows someone who knows...

For more information on affiliations, see the " "Affiliation" Tab" section of the "Clients Management" document.

Age group

Age group of registered clients (for profiling or segmentation).

Analysis & history

ProDon management in which it is possible to view several elements such as all database transactions (transactions received, beneficiary transactions, commitments, expenditures, etc.), mailings, participants, etc.

Analysis summary

Transaction summary based on a specific criterion (e.g. summary by year, summary by client, by city, etc.).

For more information on analysis summary, see the "Analysis Summary" document.

Annual receipt

Receipt for which the amount is the cumulative donations of the current year for the same donor. Usually issued once a year.

It is possible to note, in a client file, that he or she wishes to receive one consolidated receipt every year. To do so, see the " "2-Info" Tab" section of the "Clients Management" document.

Annonymous client

When a client wishes to remain anonymous, the organization must ensure to never disclose his/her name in public reports.

To learn how to indicate in a client file that he or she wishes to remain anonymous, see the " "2-Info" Tab" section of the "Clients Management" document.

Anonymous transaction

When a client wishes to remain anonymous for a transaction, the organization must ensure to never disclose the donor's name in public reports containing this transaction.

To learn how to indicate that a transaction is anonymous, see the "Transaction Logging" section of the "Transaction Logging" document.


Field available in a transaction which has an in-kind payment method in order to enter the name and address of an external evaluator.

For more information on the in-kind payment method, see the 'Transactions in Goods and Services (In-kind)" of the "Transaction Logging" document.

Bank account

For each transfer of transactions, the bank account into which the deposit will be made must be specified. When a bank account is created in ProDon, the name of the financial institution and the account number must be specified.

Bank instrument

Payment methods requiring a physical deposit at the bank (e.g. cash, money order, check, etc).


Each transfer of transaction is attached to a unique batch number which facilitates the future verification of information.


When a beneficiaries module is activated in ProDon, it possible to create beneficiary clients and beneficiary occasions in order to make beneficiary transactions.

For more information on the beneficiaries module, see the "Beneficiaries Module" document.

Beneficiary client

Client (association, fundation, student, etc.) to which the organization pays an amount (e.g. loans and grants, services offered, special projects, etc.).

To learn how to indicate that a client is a beneficiary, see the " "2-Info" Tab" section of the "Clients Management" document.

Beneficiary occasion

Donation occasion for which it is possible to record beneficiary transactions.

To learn how to create a beneficiary occasion, see the "Beneficiary Occasion" section of the "Beneficiaries Module" document.

Beneficiary transaction

Transaction representing an amount (e.g. loans and grants, services offered, special projects, etc.) issued or distributed to a beneficiary client (association, fundation, student, etc.)

For more information on beneficiary transactions, see the "Beneficiary Transactions" section of the "Beneficiaries Module" document.


Allows you to group donation occasions and to set a goal for selected occasions, over a given period.

For more information on campaigns, see the "Campaign Management" document.


Someone who solicits donors.

To learn how to indicate that a client in the database is a canvasser, see the " "3-Canvasser" Tab" section of the "Clients Management" document.


Term to designate money in the form of cash.


Allows the documentation of a piece of information in ProDon if no existing field allows you to do it. It is possible to specify a name, a value, as well as start and end dates.

For more information on characteristics, see the "Characteristic Management" document.


Any person or company registered in the client management of ProDon (e.g. donor, beneficiary, deceased, canvasser, etc.).

Client category

Allows the documentation of a piece of information in ProDon if no existing field allows you to do it. A client category is displayed in the form of a check box.

For more information on client categories, see the " "4-Characteristics" Tab" section of the "Clients Management" document.


Existing field in ProDon. It specifies the company name of the client. 


Donation in installments.

For more information on the commitment module, see the "Commitment Module" document.


Contact person within a client file (e.g. contact person in a company).

For more information on contacts, see the "Contacts and Links" document.


Date shown when creating a file (client, task, transaction, etc.).

To see the creation date of a client file, see the " "2-Info" Tab" section of the "Clients Management" document.

To see the creation date of a task, see the " "Configuring / Editing a task " Tab" section of the "Task and History Management - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)" document.


Means "Customer Relationship Management". In ProDon, the customer relationship management is made in the tasks and history.

For more information on the tasks and history, see the "Task and History Management - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)" document.

Current filter

Allows the creation of a filter based on specific search criteria, then save it for reuse.

For more information on the current filter, see the "Adding a Filter" section of "Filter Data (Queries)" document.

Custom report

Document made by a user representing a set of transaction items, clients or otherwise.

For more information on custom reports, see the "Custom Reports" document.

Customized field

Allows you to document a piece information in ProDon if no existing field allows you to do it. It is possible to specify a name and a value.

For more infomation on customized fields, see the "Customized Field Configuration" document.

Customized list

Tool used to create lists of clients from an active list or different criteria (e.g. transaction criteria, mailing criteria, etc.).

For more information on customized lists, see the "Customized Lists" document.


The Card Verification Value (CVV) is a 3-digit number that appears on the back of credit cards (Visa, Eurocard and Mastercard), in the band reserved for the holder's signature. This additional protection is used to validate the transaction and to fight against fraud. This value is not mentioned in the magnetic stripe information and will not appear on receipts. This information should be disclosed over the phone or entered on the Web. In no case should it be visible on a reply coupon.

Data backup

Allows you to save the data in the database. After each backup, ProDon creates a file whose name is the backup date and time.

For more information on backing up data, see the "Performing Data Backup" document.

Data restore

Allows you to reset the database to the state it was at a previous data backup. Warning: all changes (transactions, address corrections, issurance of receipts, etc.) made since the last data backup will be lost.

For more information on restoring data, see the "Restoring Data" document.


Person for whom a donation was made in memoriam.

For more information on the deceased in a transaction, see the "Different Clients of a Transaction" document. For more information on in memoriam gifts, see the "In Memoriam Gifts" document.

Distribution list

List of clients to whom an E-mail Blast will be sent.

For more information on distribution lists, see the "Preparing the Distribution List" document.

Document to be issued

Document linked to a transaction (e.g. thank-you letter) located in the "Batch Processing: Documents" management in ProDon after a transaction has been entered.

For more information on documents to be issued, see the "Processing Documents to be Issued" document.

Donation occasion

Centre of the financial structure in ProDon. A donation occasion is a source of revenue (e.g. general donation, event, scheduled donation, etc.) and consists of activities and expenditures.

For more information on donation occasions, see the "Donation Occasion Management" document.


Client present more than once in the database.

To learn how to merge clients, see the "Merging and Deleting a Client" document.

Dynamic customized list

Customized list that keeps up to date according to the criteria that were used to create it. The number of clients that are part of this list may vary.

For more information on dynamic customized lists, see the "Dynamic List (main window)" section of the "Customized Lists" document.

Dynamic drop-down list

Field in the database that comes in the form of a list of options. Options can be predifined or added when entering the field.

For more information on dynamic drop-down lists, see the "Dynamic Drop-down Lists" document.

Electronic payment
Any payment made with a credit card or a debit card.
E-mail Blast

E-mail sent to a list of clients from the database.

For more information on e-mail blasts, see the "E-mail Blast Module (requires purchase of the module)" section of the wiki table of contents. 

Excluded from E-mail Blast

Client in the database who no longer wishes to be solicited by e-mail blasting.

To learn how to exclude a client from an e-mail blast, see the " "2-Info" Tab" section of the "Client Management" document.


For each donation occasion, one or more expenditure activities must be created to detail the transactions related to the expenditures arising from the holding of this donation occasion.

For more information on expenditures, see the "Adding / Editing an Expenditure Activity" section of the "Donation Occasion Management" document.

Expenditure transaction

Payment of an expenditure arising from the holding of a donation occasion.

For more information on expenditure transactions, see the "Expenditure Transaction Logging" document.

Export and merge

Allows you to export data to Word, Excel or Text documents.

For more information on exporting and merging, see the "Exporting and Merging Data" document.

Feature and search

Special function entered in the search box to isolate specific elements. The legend of the search bar contains all the different search functions.

For more information on search functions, see the "Search Bar" document.


In ProDon, every data entry is inserted into a column that has a unique name. Generally, the column header name is the field name.


Predefined arrangement of data to be entered in a field (e.g. a postal code field must contain 3 letters and 3 numbers, the letters must be in uppercase and there must be a space between the first 3 and the last 3 characters. If the format is predefined and the information entered does not meet these criteria, a warning window will appear.

GL account

The GL accounts created in ProDon are usually linked to the accounts used in the accounting software of the organization.

To learn how to create a GL account in ProDon, see the "Chart of Account Management" document.


Merge field combining several fields with a specific provision which will be used in master documents. There are several types of greeting and each type is customizable as needed.

For more information on greetings, see the " "8-Merge" Tab section of the "Client Management" document.  


The importation modules allow you to import external data into ProDon (e.g. from a txt or Excel file).

For more information on importing data into ProDon, see the "Importation Modules" document.

In Memoriam gift

Donation made in memory of a deceased person. This type of transaction generally involves 3 individuals: the donor, the deceased person and the person to notify for the donation.

For more information on in memoriam gifts, see the "In Memoriam Gifts" document.


Element that can no longer be used, but still existing and available in ProDon to generate reports, filters, searches, etc. Multiple elements can be disabled, such as donation occasions, master documents, GL accounts, payment methods, etc.

Inactive client

Client to which no transaction can be assigned. He or she can however be used as a deceased person in an in memoriam gift transaction.

To learn how to deactivate a client, see the " "2-Info" Tab" section of the "Clients Management" document.

In-kind payment method

Allows you to save donations of goods and services in the database. To learn how to create a new payment method, see the "Payment Method Management" document.


Allows you to generate invoices to clients in the database.

For more information on invoicing, see the "Invoicing Module" document.



Element linking two client files (e.g. parent/child, spouse/partner, brother/sister, etc.).

For more information on links, see the "Contacts and Links" document.

Linked client

Client linked to a transaction while not being the donor nor the third-party client (e.g. parent, caregiver, honoree, etc.).

For more information on liked clients, see the "Different Clients of a Transaction" document.

To learn how to activate linked clients in an occasion, see the " "Client Link" Tab" section of the "Donation Occasion Management" document.

Mailing history

Tool used to keep track of mailings sent to clients from the database.

For more information on mailing history, see the "Mailing History" document.

Management grid
Grid which presents all the data from the database in each management.
Mass mailing

Mass and customized production of a master document merged with some ProDon fields, for several clients at once.

For more information on mass mailing, see the "Mass Mailing" document.

Master document

Word document that uses merge fields for mass mailing or e-mail blasting.

For more information on master documents, see the "Master Document Management" document.

Merge field

Fields to be inserted into the master document when mass mailing.

For more information on merge fields and master documents, see the "Master Document Management" document.


Date shown when modifying a client or task file.

To see the modification date of a client file, see the " "2-Info" Tab" section of the "Client Management" document.

To see the modification date of a task, see the " "Configuring / Editing a Task" Tab" section of the "Task and History Management - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)" document.


Module allowing you to manage donations from two different organizations within the same database.

For more information on the multi-organization module, see the "Multi-organization Module" document.

Negative transaction

Credit of a transaction (e.g. repayment of an electronic transaction).

For more information on negative transactions, see the "Negative Transaction Entry" document.

Online donation

ProDon module that allows donors to make donations or to register to some of the organization's events from the Web.

For more information on online donations, see the documents in the "Online Donation Module (requires purchase of the module)" section of the wiki table of contents.


Logilys' realtime electronic payment provider (Web, virtual terminal).


Allows you to group different types of transaction for donations as well as beneficiary transactions (e.g. donation, fundraising activity, grant, volunteer hours, etc.).

For more information on origins, see the "Origin Code Management" document.


Client participating in an event.

For more information on participants, see the "Participant Management" document.

Payment method

Method used for the payment of a transaction (e.g. cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, in-kind, etc.).

To learn how to create a new payment method, see the "Payment Method Management" document.

Pending transaction

Transaction entered in ProDon to be paid later.

For more information on pending transactions (to be received), see the "Transaction Management" section of the "Transaction Logging" document.


Predefined period of time that can be used in reports, customized lists, etc. (e.g. lifetime, fiscal 2011-2012, year 2012, etc.).

For more information on periods, see the "Period Management" document.

Person to notify

Person to notify for in memoriam gifts that were made in memory of a loved one.

For more information on the person to notify in a transaction, see the "Different Client of a Transaction" document.

For more information on in memoriam gifts, see the "In Memoriam Gifts" document.

Promise payment method

Allows you to save a transaction that will be paid later.

For more information on how to create a new payment method, see the "Payment Method Management" document.


When a donation is made, other than a monetary donation, the "In-kind" payment method must be selected in the transaction, then you must specify the nature of the property that was donated (e.g. furniture, miscellaneous items).

To learn how to enter an in-kind donation transaction, see the "Transaction in Goods and Services (In-kind)" section of the "Transaction Logging" document.


Allows you to plan objectives linked to commitments.

For more information on prospection, see the "Prospecting and Commitments Module" document.


For each donation, a receipt is automatically generated by ProDon (depending on the configuration of the donation occasion for which the donation was made).

For more information on receipts, see the documents in the "Receipts" section of the wiki table of contents.

Receipt to be calculated

Receipt whose amount should be calculated according to the expenditures arising from the holding of the donation occasion.

For more information on receipts to be calculated, see the " 'To be calculated' Status to 'To be issued' " document.

Receipt to be issued

Receipt whose amount is known and which can be issued.

To learn how to proceed with the issue of a receipt, see the "Processing Receipts to be Issued" document.

Receipt with integrated thank-you

Receipt with an integrated thank-you note. This type of receipt is generated in two copies, the thank-you letter at the top and the two copies of the receipt at the bottom of the sheet.

For more information on receipts with integrated thank-you, see the "Configuration of a Thank-you Letter Integrated" document.


There are three concepts related to regions in ProDon: the types of regions, the regions and the definition of regions.

For more information on how to configure these three notions, see the "Region Management" document.


With the task and history management (CRM) in ProDon, it is possible to activate a reminder on a task.

For more information on reminders, see the "Reminder Window" section of the "Task and History Management - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)" document.

Document representing a set of transactional items, customers or otherwise.
Required field

It is possible to make some fields required. If a required field is not filled in upon confirmation of the addition or modification of a file, a message will appear and the label of the required field will turn blue.

Search bar

Tool located at the top of practically all ProDon management grids allowing you to conduct searches by entering a keyword, a part of a word or a search function into a search box.

For more information on the search bar, see the "Search Bar" document.

Search box

The search bar contains a search box for each field of the management grid. It is in these search boxes that search criteria must be specified.

For more information on the search bar, see the "Search Bar" document.

Sector of activity

Type of job held by the clients in the database (e.g. agriculture, retail, medical, industrial, educational, etc.).

Special features

Menu available in several ProDon managements which contains many advanced modification functions. This menu is visible to all users, but only accessible for those who have access to it.

Standard receipt

Receipt available in many formats, but with a limited customization. This type of receipt is kept up to date by Logilys and complies with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and with the Canadian standards.

For more information on standard receipts, see the "Configuration of a Standard Type Receipt" document.


Field in ProDon which is entered after the name of an individual (e.g. "Dr." for doctor, Eng. for engineer, etc.).


Financial calculation tool whose result can be used in a customized report or in a master document.

For more information on summaries, see the "Summary Management" document.

Tasks & history

ProDon management that allows you to manage all communications and follow-ups with the clients in the database and to save all history.

For more information on tasks and history, see the "Task and History Management - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)" document.

Temporary filter

Allows you to filter information based on specific search criteria. A temporary filter can be used only once, to save a filter, use the current filter instead.

For more information on the temporary filter, see the "Filter Data (Queries)" document.

Temporary mailing

Sends an e-mail blast test.

For more information on the e-mail blast module, see the documents in the "E-mail Blast Module (requires purchase of the module)" section of the wiki table of contents.

For more information on temporary mailings, see the "Testing the Mailing" section of the "Sending the E-mail Blast" document.

Third-party client

Client through which a transaction is made without him or her being the donor or canvasser (e.g. Client A is being solicited and his spouse will send us a donation, in this example, Client A is the third-party client and his spouse is the donor).

For more information on third-party clients, see the "Different Clients of a Transaction" document.

For an example of a transaction with a third-party client, see the "Transaction with a Third-party Client" section of the "Transaction Logging" document.


Existing field in ProDon. It reprensents the word preceeding the name of a client in a greeting (e.g. Mr., Ms., etc.).


The authentication token is a strong authentication solution.

The tokens are used as proof of identity by electronic means (such as a client trying to access his or her bank account).

The token acts as an electronic key to open access to data and is used in complement or instead of a password to prove that the client is who he or she claims to be.

Transaction received

General transaction in ProDon, paid by deposit slip, electronic payment, donation in goods, etc.

Transaction transfer

Once the transactions are entered and validated in Prodon, they must be transferred. Generally, a transfer of transactions is made for each deposit.

For more information on transaction transfer, see the "Transaction Transfer" section of the "Validation and Transfer of a Transaction Batch" document. 

Transferred transaction

Transaction that has been validated and deposited. Each transaction transfer is attached to a unique batch number which facilitates the future verification of information.


Unique client number that ProDon automatically assigns when creating a new client.

Untransferred transaction

Transaction entered in ProDon that has not been validated and deposited. The receipt and the documents can not be issued until the transaction has not been transferred. 

User / System preferences

Allows you to configure several elements in ProDon. User preferences are unique for each ProDon user profile. System preferences can only be modified by the supervisor profile and have an impact on all users.

For more information on user / system preferences, see the "Preferences" document.


Configuration of visible fields in the management grid.

For more information on views, see the "View Management" document.

Web form

Form hosted on the online donation website. Each form is attached to a donation occasion so that Internet users can register online to the fundraising activities of the organization, or to make a donation directly over the Web.

For more information on Web forms, see the "Creating a Web Form" document.

Web update
Permet de mettre à jour ProDon.

Pour savoir comment effectuer une mise à jour Web, consulter le document « Mise à jour Web ».

Word receipt
Reçu édité avec Word et personnalisé avec un formateur ProDon, selon la demande. Ce type de reçu est conforme avec l'ARC (Agence du Revenu du Canada) seulement au moment de la livraison du logiciel, il est donc important de le maintenir à jour selon les normes canadiennes par la suite.

Pour plus d'informations sur les reçus Word, consulter le document « Configuration d'un reçu Word ».

Document name: ProDon:Lexicon