Template:Header ProDon
The Online Donation Module allows the donors to make donations directly through the Web.
In order for the donors to be able to make donations, a website must first be created and configured. The creation of an online donation website includes the configuration of the website's home page, as well as the creation of different Web forms. Each Web form is attached to a donation occasion, this ensures that Internet users can sign up to the fundraising activities of an organization, or make a donation directly online.
Moreover, when an Internet user makes a donation or registers to an activity via a Web form, ProDon adds him or her automatically to the database when importing the donations.
Home Page and Website Configuration
Prior to creating the Web forms, it is important to configure the home page and the website. The home page contains the list of all the Web forms available to Internet users.
To do so, go to the "Web form management".
Click on the "Configuration" menu, then select " Web forms"
After clicking on " Web forms", this window opens.
To configure the home page, click on the button.
Configuration Tab
This tab allows you to customize the appearance of the home page, as well as a few options of the website. It is possible to choose the colours and writing fonts, to choose the colour of the background and margins, to add a logo and personalized notes, etc.
"Preview" Tab
This tab allows you to customize the appearance of the home page, as well as a few general options of the Web forms.
After clicking on the button of the previous page, this window opens.
A: The button allows you to modify the colour of the margin. To view an example of margin, see point A of the "Home page Example" section.
B: The button allows you to modify the colouor of the background. To view an example of background, see point B of the "Home page Example" section.
C: The button allows you to modify the home page title and the button allows you to modify the font of the home page title. To view an example of title font, see point C of the "Home page Example" section.
D: The button allows you to modify the colour of the form name and the button allows you to modify the form name font. To view an example of form name font, see point D of the "Home page Example" section.
E: The button allows you to modify the colour of the form description and the button allows you to modify the font of the form description. To view an example of form description font, see point E of the "Home page Example" section.
F: The button allows you to modify the font of the report that contains the list of online donations.
G: Displays a back link to the home page directly into the form. To view an example of back link to the home page, see point A of the "Web Form Example 1" section of the "Creating a Web Form" document.
H: Displays the time remaining to the session at the bottom of the form. To view an example of time remaining to the session, see point A of the "Web Form Example 2" section of the "Creating a Web Form" document.
NOTE: The session time is always limited.
I: Determines the duration of the session.
NOTE: Usually, the duration is set between 15 and 30 minutes to allow people to fill in the form rigorously.
J: This drop-down menu allows you to choose the positioning of the title and logo on the form home page. To view an example of title and logo positioning,see point F of the "Home page Example" section. It is also possible to insert a banner in the header of the Web form or of the home page rather than inserting a title and a logo. To do so, select the option "Display only the logo followed by a space" or "Display only the logo without a space". To view an example of banner, see point M of the "Web Form Example 3" section.
NOTE: To learn how to modify the logo of the home page, see the "Web site document" Tab" section.
K: Allows to round the corners of the background. To view an example of backfround, see point B of the "Home Page Example" section.
L: Allows you to add shade in the bottom right part of the background. To view an example of background, see point B of the "Home Page Example" section.
"French" and "English" Tabs
These tabs allow you to group forms.
NOTE: The "French" and "English" tabs are configured in the same way. The "French" tab allows you to configure French form groups and the "English" tab allows you to configure English form groups.
A: Allows you to choose whether the home page will be in French only, in English only or in both languages. To activate the English home page, go to the "English" tab, then check the "English" checkbox.
NOTE: If French and English forms have already been created, both "French" and "English" checkboxes are checked automatically and can not be unchecked. If the forms have been created only in English, this checkbox is checked by default and can not be unchecked, but the "French" checkbox can be checked or unchecked.
B: This drop-down list offers two date format options. The date format selected here will be the one appearing everywhere on the website.
C: Displays the forms in alphabetical order in the groups.
NOTE: To modify the order of the form groups, click on the button at F.
D: Allows you to see in which group the forms are. To modify the form groups, click on the button at F.
E: The and buttons allow you to modify the order of the forms.
NOTE: It is possible to move the forms around only if the checkbox at C is not checked and if more than one form are placed in the same group.
F: The button allows you to create, modify and delete form groups.
After clicking on the or button of the previous page, this window opens.
A: This field indicates the order of the form on the home page.
B: This field allows you to name the form groups.
C: The button allows you to modify the colour of the group name and the button allows you to modify the font of the group name.To view an example of group name font, see point G of the "Home Page Example" section.
D: The button allows you to modify the colour of the border around the form groups on the home page. To view an example of border, see point H of the "Home Page Example" section.
"Labels" Tab
"Notes" Tab
"Website documents" Tab
"Import" Tab
Home page and Website Configuration Examples
Website in maintenance Page Example
Home page Example
Terms and Conditions Page Example
Document name: ProDon:Home Page and Website Configuration