ProDon:Mailing History

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The "Mailing history" is a tool allowing you to keep track of the mailings sent to clients of the database.

The use of this tool allows you to:

  • Document who received what and when;
  • View and consult the mailing history per client from a client file;
  • Quickly find the list of people who did not respond to a first invitation; to send them a reminder, second mailing, third mailing, etc.;
  • Discover people's trends (the type of invitation people are interested in);
  • Target and plan mailings according to an individual's preferences.

Specifically, this tool allows you to find out that a person always donates; for instance, in gastronomic activities, but never in golf tournaments; or that you have to send three notifications to get a response.

Moreover, this function allows you to assess the profitability of your actions by comparing the number of positive responses versus negative ones for all the mailings.

Configuration of Default Responses for the Mailing History

To be able to fully use the "Mailing history", you first need to configure the default responses to be entered in different situations. This configuration is mainly applied to mailing histories in relation to mail solicitation.

CAUTION: Usually, only the user "Supervisor" can access the "System preferences".

From the software home page, click on the "Configuration" menu, then select "Preferences". The "Preferences" window opens, go to the "System preferences" tab, then select the "Mailings" tab.

Mailing History 001.png

NOTE: The drop-down lists for the fields from A to F are dynamic, which means that it is possible to add new options to the list at all times. If an option is added in a list, it will automatically be added in the five others. Furthermore, the check boxes in H are exactly the same options as for the dynamic drop-down lists. To know how the dynamic drop-down lists work, consult this procedure.

For more information concerning the "Response" field that will be used in the upcoming examples, see letter A on the "Consulting mailing histories from "Analysis and history" section.

A: The mention "Pending" will automatically be entered in the "Response" field in the creation of the mailing history.

B: The mention "Gift received" will automatically be entered in the "Response" field as soon as the transaction linked to the mailing is transferred.

C: The mention "Gift received (third)" will automatically be entered in the "Response" field if the transferred transaction linked to the mailing is third. For more information concerning transactions third, click here.

D: The mention "Responded to subsequent solicitation" is entered in the "Response" filed when several solicitations have been made to the same client for the same activity of a donation occasion. For instance, at the third solicitation, the client decides to make a donation; the mention "Responded to subsequent solicitation" will be displayed in the "Response" field in the histories of the first and second mailing; then a mention of payment will be entered for the third mailing.

E: The mention "Pending payment" will automatically entered in the "Response" field if the transaction linked to the mailing is "To be received" or "To be paid". For more information concerning the transaction types, click here.

F: The mention "Pending payment (third)" will automatically be entered in the "Response" field if the transaction linked to the mailing is third and it is a transaction "To be recieved" or "To be paid".

G: If this option is checked, the donation occasion and the activity selected in the last mailing documented in the client folder will automatically be entered during the entry of a new transaction.

H: These options are available only if the option in G is checked and allow you to search a mailing by "Response". For instance, you want that when you enter your next transaction, the donation occasion and the activity of the last mailing having the reponse "Pending payment" are both entered automatically.

Creating Mailing Histories

A mailing history can be created in three different ways:

  • From the "Mailings" tab of a client file (for the creation of an individual mailing history);
  • During the configuration of a "Mass Mailing" (for the creation of a massive mailing history);
  • From the "Client management" (for an assignment of mailings to an active list).

Creating Individual Mailing Histories

The mailing history can be used on an individual basis.

To individually add, remove or modify a mailing, open the client file, then go to the "Mailings" tab that is at the bottom of the file.

Mailing History 002.png

A: The Button Search.png button allows you to activate the search bar.

B: The Button add plus.png button allows you to create a new mailing history.

C: The Button Edit.png button allows you to modify a mailing history.

D: The Button Minus remove delete.png button allows you to remove a mailing from the list of mailing histories of the client.

After clicking on the Button add plus.png button, this window opens.

Mailing History 003.png

A: The current date is entered automatically, but it is possible to modify it.

B: Allows you to specify the donation occasion for which the mailing is done.

C: Allows you to specify the activity for which the mailing is done. In order for the response to be automatically modified later, you must configure the mailing histories and the occasion and activity of the transaction have to be exactly the same as the history's. If no activity was entered in the mailing history, it will be updated regardless the specified activity in the transaction.

D: Allows you to indicate the canvasser. In the entry of a transaction related to a mailing history, if the canvasser is not the same one in the transaction as in the mailing history, there is a warning issued and it will be possible for you to modify either the canvasser of the transaction or the one of the mailing history; so that the same canvasser appears in the transaction and in the mailing history.

E: This field indicates the response.

F: This line contains the name of the last person who modified the mailing status and the response date. This date is automatically updated when the response is modified. It is modifiable nonetheless.

G: Allows you to indicate the amount that was suggested in the mailing to the canvasser. If the amount of the transaction differs from the suggested amount, the response will still be updated.

H: This box available only in the use of the individual mailing history. It is useful to specify in the "Supplier-client" file that the mailing has been done through this external company. When the box is checked, a second box appears right next to the check box intended for entering the number of people to whom the mailing was sent. When this option is used, it is not possible to document the clients' responses one by one.

I: Allows you to enter a description for the mailing.

Creating Mailing Histories from Mass Mailing

Each time a "Mass mailing" is done, it is possible to keep a history of it. To do so, you need to fill out the "Mailings" tab of the "Mass mailing" window. For more information concerning "Mass mailing", consult this procedure.

Mailing History 004.png

It is important to specify the elements to be entered in the "Mailing history" of the "Mailings" tab when configuring the "Mass mailing".

When the "Mailing history" is created, as soon as a transaction corresponding to the specified donation occasion is created, the response is updated according to the configuration of the "Mailing history".

When the "Mailing history" of the "Mass mailing" is created, this result appears in the "Mailings" tab of the client file included in the "Mass mailing".

A: The response is "Pending" and there is nothing entered below the fields "Responded on" and "Responded to" since no transaction related to the "Mailing history" was entered, these three fields will automatically be updated.

Here is an example of result when a transaction related to the "Mailing history" is entered.

Mailing Assignment to an Active List

Consulting Mailing Histories

Consulting the Mailing History from a Client File

Consulting the Mailing History from "Analysis and History"

Modification of Mailing Histories

Individual Modification of Mailing Histories

Massive Modification of Mailing Histories

Creating a Calling List

Mailing Analyses

Document name: ProDon:Mailing History