Difference between revisions of "ProDon:Bank Rejections"

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(Importer les rejets bancaires)
(99 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''ATTENTION&nbsp;: Ce document est présentement en rédaction/révision, il est possible que certaines parties soient manquantes ou désuètes.'''</span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''CAUTION :'''</span> This function is only available from the '''version 5.0.3'''.
== Introduction  ==
== Introduction  ==
Il arrive parfois qu'une transaction de débit direct PaySafe soit rejetée. Un rejet bancaire est au moins une transaction reportée ou non, liée à un engagement ou non, liée à un jeton débit direct PaySafe. Peu importe la raison du rejet, la transaction se retrouvera avec un code d'erreur et vous devrez aller traiter le rejet en question à l'aide des fonctionnalités de '''ProDon'''. Selon le type de rejet bancaire que vous aurez reçu, les possibilités qui s'offriront à vous seront différentes. Vous devez posséder le module de [[ProDon:Module_transactions_électroniques_-_PaySafe|Transactions électroniques]] afin de pouvoir  accéder aux rejets bancaires. <br>
Sometimes, it happens that a direct debit PaySafe transaction may be rejected. A bank reject is a transaction with a successful payment, which can be linked to a commitment, which is linked to a direct debit PaySafe token. No matter the reject reason, the transaction will get an error code and it will be necessary to process this rejection with the help of '''ProDon''''s functions. Depending of the bank reject type, the possibilities will be different. The [[ProDon:Electronic_Transaction_Module_-_PaySafe|Electronic Transaction]] module must be activated to access bank rejection.  
== Importer les rejets bancaires  ==
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
== Importing bank rejections ==
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"  
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_001.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_001.png]]
| colspan="2" | Dès l'ouverture de '''ProDon''', si vous avez des rejets bancaires à importer, cette fenêtre apparaîtra.  
| colspan="2" | At the opening of '''ProDon''', if there are bank rejects to import, this window will pop up.
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"  
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_002.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_002.png]]
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, vous devrez aller dans l'onglet « Traitement par lots » et sélectionner « Rejets bancaires ».
| colspan="2" | To process the bank rejects, go to the "Batch Processing" tab and select "Bank rejections".
Line 37: Line 40:
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_004.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_004.png]]
| colspan="2" | En arrivant dans cette interface, vous verrez le bouton « Importer » à gauche. Pour importer les rejets, cliquez dessus.
| colspan="2" | In this window, there is the "Import" button at the left. To import rejects, click on it.
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"  
| colspan="2" | So, this window will open:
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_003.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_003.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Cette option vous permet d'importer tous les nouveaux rejets bancaires qui n'ont pas déjà été importés.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> This option allows all new bank rejects that have not already been imported to be imported.  
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Cette option vous permet de réimporter des rejets bancaires sur une période précise.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> This option allows bank rejects in a precise lap of time to be imported again.
| width="50%" |  
| colspan="2" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''C&nbsp;:'''</span> Quand vous avez terminé, cliquez sur « Ok » pour confirmer les rejets bancaires à importer.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''C:'''</span> When the choice is made, click on "Ok" to confirm the bank rejects to import.
Line 63: Line 67:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_005.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_006.png]]
| colspan="2" | Pour traiter un rejet, vous n'aurez qu'à sélectionner le rejet que vous souhaitez traiter dans cette fenêtre. Assurez-vous que le bouton [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_005.png]] soit orangé afin que seuls les rejets non-traités soient affichés.  
| colspan="2" | To process a reject, select the reject to process in this window. Be sure that the [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_005.png]] button is highlighted to only display the unprocessed rejections.  
Line 72: Line 78:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Après avoir double-cliqué sur un rejet bancaire, cette fenêtre ouvrira :
| colspan="2" | After double-clicking on a bank reject, this window will open:  
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_006.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_009.png]]
| colspan="2" | Ce tableau contient toutes les opérations applicables sur un rejet. Les boutons bleus sont ceux que vous pouvez appliquer sur le présent rejet tandis que les boutons gris sont verrouillés, car ils ne sont pas applicables.
| colspan="2" | This window contains all operations applicable on a reject. The blue buttons are the ones that can be applied to the current rejection, the grey buttons are locked because they are not applicable.  
| colspan="2" |'''ATTENTION&nbsp;:''' Le traitement d'un rejet est une action irréversible.
| colspan="2" |'''CAUTION: The processing of a reject is an irreversible action. '''
Line 86: Line 93:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Le bouton « Explication des opérations » vous permettra de recevoir des explications sur les opérations disponibles. Quand vous cliquez dessus, cette fenêtre ouvrira :
| colspan="2" | The "Explanations of operations" button will display explanations about available operations. By putting the mouse pointer over a button will give a hint to explain what it will do. See below:  
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_007.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_008.png]]
| colspan="2" | Aussi, placer le pointeur de la souris sur le bouton vous donnera des pistes d'explications comme dans l'exemple ci-dessous :  
| colspan="2" | Furthermore, when clicking on the "Explanations of operations" button, this window will open:  
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_008.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank Rejections_007.png]]  
== Annuler toutes les transactions  ==
== Cancel all transactions  ==
Le bouton « Annuler toutes les transactions » est disponible dès qu’il y a au moins une transaction sans engagement. Par exemple, un client fait un don directement sur votre site, sans qu'il soit lié à un engagement. Cette fonction consiste à annuler toutes les transactions associées à un jeton particulier.
The "Cancel all transactions" button is available as soon as there is at least one transaction without commitment. For example, a client makes a donation directly on the website of the organization, but this donation is not linked to a commitment and is rejected. This function will cancel all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions related to a precise token.  
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_007.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_010.png]]
| colspan="2" | À partir de cette interface, cliquez sur « Annuler toutes les transactions ».
| colspan="2" | From this window, click on "Cancel all transactions".  
Line 116: Line 126:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, cette fenêtre ouvre :
| colspan="2" | Then, this window will open:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_008.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_011.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Oui », vous passerez à l'étape suivante.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.  
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Non », vous reviendrez à l'étape précédente.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> Clicking on "No" will go back to the last step.  
Line 132: Line 143:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Alors, ces 2 fenêtres apparaissent :
| colspan="2" | So, these 2 windows will pop-up:
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_009.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_012.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Dans cette fenêtre, vous devez nécessairement choisir une raison pour traiter le rejet. Une fois que vous aurez terminé, cliquez sur « Ok ». Après cette étape, toutes les transactions seront annulées.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> In this window, select a reason to process the reject. Once the reason is selected, click on "Ok". After this step, all transactions linked to this token will be cancelled. <br>
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Après cette étape, il ne sera plus possible de retourner en arrière.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> After this step, it will be impossible to go back.
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Vous ne pourrez pas toucher à cette fenêtre. Elle sert à vous montrer la progression de l'opération.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> This window cannot be selected. It is used to show the processing of the operation.  
Line 152: Line 164:
| colspan="2" | Une fois toutes les étapes terminées, cette fenêtre s'affichera :
| colspan="2" | Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_010.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_013.png]]
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Remarquez que toutes les autres fonctions sont bloquées et la fonction choisie est affichée en orange.
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.
Line 163: Line 176:
== Annuler toutes les transactions et réactiver le [[ProDon:Lexique|jeton]]  ==
== Cancel all transactions and reactivate the [[ProDon:Lexicon|token]]  ==
Le bouton « Annuler toutes les transactions et réactiver le [[ProDon:Lexique|jeton]] » est disponible dès qu’il y a au moins une transaction et un engagement. Par exemple, le versement automatique arrive sur une insuffisance de fonds dans le compte du client pour son engagement. Cette fonction consiste à annuler toutes les transactions associées à un jeton et, en réactivant le jeton, cela vous permet de recommencer à utiliser ce jeton.  
The "Cancel all transactions and reactivate the [[ProDon:Lexicon|token]]" is available as soon as there is at least a transaction and a commitment. For example, the automatic instalment comes on Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) in the client's account for his/her commitment. This function will cancel all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions linked to this token and it will reactivate it. By reactivating it, it will be usable again.  
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Quand la fenêtre du rejet ouvre, vous aurez ces options :
| colspan="2" | When the reject window open, these are the available options :  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_011.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_014.png]]
| colspan="2" | Pour annuler toutes les transactions et réactiver le [[ProDon:Lexique|jeton]], vous devrez sélectionner le bouton en question.  
| colspan="2" | From this window, select the "Cancel all transaction and reactivate the token" button.  
Line 182: Line 196:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, après avoir cliqué sur le bouton, cette fenêtre ouvre :
| colspan="2" | Then, after clicking on the button, this window will open:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_012.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_015.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Oui », vous passerez à l'étape suivante.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.  
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Non », vous retournerez en arrière.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> Clicking on "No" will go back to the last step.  
Line 198: Line 213:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Alors, ces 2 fenêtres apparaissent :
| colspan="2" | So, these 2 windows will pop up:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_013.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_016.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Dans cette fenêtre, vous devez nécessairement choisir une raison pour traiter le rejet. Une fois que vous aurez terminé, cliquez sur « Ok ». Après cette étape, toutes les transactions seront annulées et le [[ProDon:Lexique|jeton]] sera réactivé.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> In this window, select a reason to process the reject. Once a reason is selected, click on "Ok". After this step, all transaction will be cancelled and the token will be reactivated.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Après cette étape, il ne sera plus possible de retourner en arrière.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> After this step, it will be impossible to go back.  
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Vous ne pourrez pas toucher à cette fenêtre. Elle sert à vous montrer la progression de l'opération.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> This window cannot be selected. Its use is to show the processing of the operation.  
Line 218: Line 234:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, ce message vous apparait pour confirmer la réactivation du [[ProDon:Lexique|jeton]] :
| colspan="2" | Then, this message will appear to confirm the token reactivation:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_014.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_017.png]]
| colspan="2" | Cliquez sur « Ok » pour continuer.
| colspan="2" | Click on "Ok" to continue.  
Line 232: Line 249:
| colspan="2" | Une fois toutes les étapes terminées, cette fenêtre s'affichera :
| colspan="2" | Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_015.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_018.png]]
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Remarquez que toutes les autres fonctions sont bloquées et la fonction choisie est affichée en orange.
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.  
Line 243: Line 260:
== Annuler toutes les transactions et remplacer le jeton ==
== Cancel all transactions and replace the token ==
Le bouton « Annuler toutes les transactions et remplacer le jeton » est disponible dès qu’il y a au moins une transaction et un engagement. Par exemple, le versement automatique créé un rejet indiquant que le compte a été fermé. Cette fonction consiste à annuler toutes les transactions associées à ce jeton et, pour le remplacer, vous devrez entrer de nouvelles informations bancaires pour associer un nouveau compte au client.  
The "Cancel all transaction and replace the token" button is available as soon as there is at least a transaction and a commitment. For example, the automatic instalment create a reject telling the account is closed. This function will cancel all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions linked to this token and replace it. The new bank information will have to be entered to link a new account to the client.
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Quand la fenêtre du rejet ouvre, vous aurez ces options :
| colspan="2" | When the reject window open, these are the available options:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_016.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_019.png]]
| colspan="2" | Pour annuler toutes les transactions et remplacer le jeton, vous devrez sélectionner le bouton en question.  
| colspan="2" | From this window, select the "Cancel all transactions and replace the token" button.  
Line 262: Line 280:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, après avoir cliqué sur le bouton, cette fenêtre ouvre :
| colspan="2" | Then, after clicking on the button, this window opens:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_017.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_020.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Oui », vous passerez à l'étape suivante.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.  
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Non », vous retournerez en arrière.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> Clicking on "No" will go back to the last step.
Line 278: Line 297:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Alors, ces 2 fenêtres apparaissent :
| colspan="2" | So, these 2 windows open:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_018.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_021.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Dans cette fenêtre, vous devez nécessairement choisir une raison pour traiter le rejet. Une fois que vous aurez terminé, cliquez sur « Ok ». Après cette étape, toutes les transactions seront annulées et le jeton sera remplacé.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> In this window, select a reason to process the reject. Once a reason is selected, click on "Ok". After this step, all transactions will be cancelled and the token will be replaced.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Après cette étape, il ne sera plus possible de retourner en arrière.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> After this step, it will be impossible to go back.  
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Vous ne pourrez pas toucher à cette fenêtre. Elle sert à vous montrer la progression de l'opération.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> This window cannot be selected. Its use is to show the processing of the operation.
Line 298: Line 318:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, cette page s'ouvre pour vous permettre de recréer un jeton qui remplacera l'ancien :
| colspan="2" | Then, this page opens to allow a new token to be created to replace the old one:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_019.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_022.png]]
| colspan="2" | Vous devez entrer les informations bancaires du client pour pouvoir continuer.  
| colspan="2" | The bank information of the client must be entered to continue.  
Line 312: Line 333:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | La page de validation s'affiche si les informations entrées précédemment sont valides :
| colspan="2" | The validation page is displayed if the information entered before are valid:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_020.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_023.png]]
Line 323: Line 345:
| colspan="2" | Une fois toutes les étapes terminées, cette fenêtre s'affichera :
| colspan="2" | Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_021.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_024.png]]
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Remarquez que toutes les autres fonctions sont bloquées et la fonction choisie est affichée en orange.
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.  
Line 334: Line 357:
== Relancer les transactions et réactiver le jeton ==
== Renew the transactions and reactivate the token ==
Le bouton « Relancer les transactions et réactiver le jeton » est disponible dès qu’il y a une transaction. Par exemple, la transaction a été rejetée, le client ajoute de l'argent à son compte et vous contacte pour vous dire que vous pouvez recommencer la transaction dans le même compte. Cette fonction consiste à renvoyer les transactions et, en réactivant le jeton, ces transactions repasseront dans le même compte.
The "Renew the transactions and reactivate the token" button is available as soon as there is a transaction. For example, the transaction has been rejected, the client adds some money to his account, he contacts the organization to tell to redo the transaction in the same account. This function will redo all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions and reactivate the token. These transactions will be passed in the same account.  
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Quand la fenêtre du rejet ouvre, vous aurez ces options :
| colspan="2" | When the reject window open, these are the available options:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_022.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_025.png]]
| colspan="2" | Pour relancer les transactions et réactiver le jeton, vous devrez sélectionner le bouton en question.  
| colspan="2" | From this window, select the "Renew the transactions and reactivate the token" button.  
Line 352: Line 376:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Alors, cette fenêtre apparait :
| colspan="2" | Then, this window will pop up:
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_023.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_026.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Oui », vous passerez à la prochaine étape. Après cette étape, les transactions seront relancées et le jeton sera réactivé.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step. After this step, the transactions will be renewed  and the token will be reactivated.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Après cette étape, il ne sera plus possible de retourner en arrière.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> After this step, it will be impossible to go back.  
| width="50%" |
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> Clicking on "No" will go back to the last step.
| width="50%" |
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Non », vous retournerez en arrière.
Line 371: Line 396:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, ce message vous apparait pour confirmer la réactivation du jeton :
| colspan="2" | So, this message will pop up to confirm the reactivation of the token:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_024.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_027.png]]
| colspan="2" | Cliquez sur « Ok » pour continuer.
| colspan="2" | Click on "Ok" to continue.  
Line 385: Line 412:
| colspan="2" | Une fois toutes les étapes terminées, cette fenêtre s'affichera :
| colspan="2" | Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_025.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_028.png]]
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Remarquez que toutes les autres fonctions sont bloquées et la fonction choisie est affichée en orange.
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.  
Line 396: Line 424:
== Relancer les transactions et remplacer le jeton ==
== Renew the transactions and replace the token ==
Le bouton « Relancer les transactions et remplacer le jeton » est disponible dès qu’il y a une transaction. Par exemple, la transaction a été rejetée, le client a changé de compte et vous contacte pour vous donner ses nouvelles informations et vous dire que vous pouvez recommencer la transaction dans ce nouveau compte. Cette fonction consiste à demander de nouveau de passer les transactions et, en remplaçant le jeton, ces transactions seront faites dans le nouveau compte que vous entrerez.
The "Renew the transactions and replace the token" button is available as soon as there is a transaction. For example, the transaction has been rejected, the client has changed his account and contacted the organization to give his new information and tells that the transaction can be done in this new account. This function will redo all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions and will replace the token. Then, the transactions will be done in this new account.
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Quand la fenêtre du rejet ouvre, vous aurez ces options :
| colspan="2" | When the reject window open, these are the available options:
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_026.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_029.png]]
| colspan="2" | Pour relancer les transactions et remplacer le jeton, vous devrez sélectionner le bouton en question.  
| colspan="2" | From this window, select the "Renew the transactions and replace the token" button.  
Line 415: Line 444:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, après avoir cliqué sur le bouton, cette fenêtre ouvre :
| colspan="2" | Then, after clicking on the button, this window will open:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_027.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_030.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Oui », vous passerez à l'étape suivante.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Non », vous retournerez en arrière.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> Clicking on "No" will go back.  
Line 432: Line 463:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, cette page s'ouvre pour vous permettre de recréer un jeton qui remplacera l'ancien :
| colspan="2" | Then, this page opens to allow a new token to be create to replace the old one:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_019.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_022.png]]
| colspan="2" | Vous devez entrer les informations bancaires du client pour pouvoir continuer.
| colspan="2" | The bank information of the client must be entered to continue.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Après cette étape, il ne sera plus possible de retourner en arrière.  
Line 447: Line 478:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | La page de validation s'affiche si les informations entrées précédemment sont valides :
| colspan="2" | The validation page is displayed if the information entered before are valid:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_020.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_023.png]]
Line 458: Line 490:
| colspan="2" | Une fois toutes les étapes terminées, cette fenêtre s'affichera :
| colspan="2" | Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_028.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_031.png]]
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Remarquez que toutes les autres fonctions sont bloquées et la fonction choisie est affichée en orange.
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.  
Line 469: Line 502:
== Réactiver le jeton ==
== Reactivate the token ==
Le bouton « Réactiver le jeton » est disponible dès qu’il y a un engagement et aucune transaction. Par exemple, la transaction a été rejetée, le client vous contacte pour l'annuler, mais il vous dit de garder les mêmes informations bancaires, donc vous devez les réactiver. Cette fonction consiste à réactiver le jeton pour le rendre valide de nouveau pour faire des transactions.
The "Reactivate the token" is available as soon as there is a commitment without transaction. For example, the transaction has been rejected, the client contact the organization to cancel it, but she asks to keep the same bank information, so they must be reactivated.  
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Quand la fenêtre du rejet ouvre, vous aurez ces options :
| colspan="2" | When the reject window opens, these are the available options:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_029.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_032.png]]
| colspan="2" | Pour réactiver le jeton, vous devrez sélectionner le bouton en question.  
| colspan="2" | From this window, select the "Reactivate the token" button.  
Line 487: Line 521:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Alors, cette fenêtre apparait :
| colspan="2" | Then, this window opens:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_030.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_033.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Oui », vous passerez à la prochaine étape. Après cette étape, le jeton sera réactivé.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step. After this step, the token will be reactivated.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Après cette étape, il ne sera plus possible de retourner en arrière.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> After this step, it will be impossible to go back.
| width="50%" |
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> Clicking on "No" will go back.  
| width="50%" |
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Non », vous retournerez en arrière.
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, ce message vous apparait pour confirmer la réactivation du jeton :
| colspan="2" | Then, this message will pop up to confirm the token reactivation:
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_031.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_034.png]]
| colspan="2" | Cliquez sur « Ok » pour continuer.
| colspan="2" | Click on "Ok" to continue.  
Line 517: Line 554:
| colspan="2" | Une fois toutes les étapes terminées, cette fenêtre s'affichera :
| colspan="2" | Once all step finished, this window will be displayed:
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_032.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_035.png]]
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Remarquez que toutes les autres fonctions sont bloquées et la fonction choisie est affichée en orange.
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.  
Line 528: Line 567:
== Remplacer le jeton ==
== Replace the token ==
Le bouton « Remplacer le jeton » est disponible dès qu’il y a un engagement et aucune transaction. Par exemple, la transaction a été rejetée, le client, ayant un engagement avec vous, vous contacte pour annuler la transaction et il vous donne de nouvelles informations bancaires pour les prochaines transactions de l'engagement. Cette fonction consiste à remplacer le jeton pour changer les informations bancaires de cet engagement.
The "Replace the token" button is available as soon as there is a commitment and no transaction. For example, the transaction has been rejected, the client, which is having a commitment with the organization, contact the organization to cancel the transaction and he gives his new bank information for the next transactions of the commitment. This function will replace the token to change the bank information of this commitment.  
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Quand la fenêtre du rejet ouvre, vous aurez ces options :
| colspan="2" | When the reject window opens, these are the available options:
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_033.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_036.png]]
| colspan="2" | Pour remplacer le jeton, vous devrez sélectionner le bouton en question.  
| colspan="2" | From this window, select the "Replace the token" button.  
Line 546: Line 586:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Alors, cette fenêtre apparait :
| colspan="2" | Then, this window pops up:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_034.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_037.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Oui », vous passerez à la prochaine étape. Après cette étape, le jeton sera réactivé.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> After this step, it will be impossible to go back.
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Non », vous retournerez en arrière.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> Clicking on "No" will go back.  
Line 562: Line 605:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Ensuite, cette page s'ouvre pour vous permettre de recréer un jeton qui remplacera l'ancien :
| colspan="2" | Then, this page opens to allow a new token to be created to replace the old one:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_019.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_022.png]]
| colspan="2" | Vous devez entrer les informations bancaires du client pour pouvoir continuer.
| colspan="2" | The bank information of the client must be entered to continue.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Après cette étape, il ne sera plus possible de retourner en arrière.  
Line 577: Line 620:
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | La page de validation s'affiche si les informations entrées précédemment sont valides :
| colspan="2" | The validation page is displayed if the information entered before are valid:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_020.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_023.png]]
Line 588: Line 632:
| colspan="2" | Une fois toutes les étapes terminées, cette fenêtre s'affichera :
| colspan="2" | Once all step finished, this window will be displayed:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_035.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5_Bank_Rejections_038.png]]
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Remarquez que toutes les autres fonctions sont bloquées et la fonction choisie est affichée en orange.
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.  
Line 599: Line 643:
== Inscrire comme ignoré ==
== Mark as ignored ==
Le bouton « Inscrire comme ignoré » est toujours disponible. Cette fonction consiste à ignorer le rejet sans toucher au jeton. Sans modification, le jeton ne sera plus utilisable.  
The "Mark as ignored" button is always available. This function will ignore the reject while not touching the token. Without modification, the token cannot be used anymore.  
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="200" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Quand la fenêtre du rejet ouvre, vous aurez ces options :
| colspan="2" | When the reject window opens, these are the available options:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_036.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5 Bank Rejections 039.png]]
| colspan="2" | Pour ignorer le rejet, vous devrez sélectionner le bouton en question.  
| colspan="2" | From this window, select the "Ignore the reject" button.  
Line 620: Line 665:
| colspan="2" | Alors, cette fenêtre apparait :
| colspan="2" | Then, this window will pop up:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_037.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5 Bank Rejections 040.png]]
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Oui », vous ignorerez le rejet.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''A:'''</span> Clicking on "Yes" will ignore the reject.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Après cette étape, il ne sera plus possible de retourner en arrière.  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> After this step, it will be impossible to go back.  
| width="50%" |  
| width="50%" |  
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B&nbsp;:'''</span> Si vous cliquez sur « Non », vous retournerez en arrière.
<span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''B:'''</span> Clicking on "No" will go back.  
Line 638: Line 686:
| colspan="2" | Une fois cette étape terminée, cette fenêtre s'affichera :
| colspan="2" | Once this step finished, this window opens:  
| colspan="2" | [[Fichier:ProDon5_Traitement_des_rejets_bancaires_038.png]]
| colspan="2" | [[File:ProDon5 Bank Rejections 041.png]]
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Attention&nbsp;:'''</span> Remarquez que toutes les autres fonctions sont bloquées et la fonction choisie est affichée en orange.
| colspan="2" | <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);">'''Caution:'''</span> See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.  
Line 651: Line 699:
== Tableau des codes d'erreur ==
== Error code grid ==
{| width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
{| width="400" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" class="wikitable"
| colspan="2" | Pour vous aider à comprendre les erreurs, voici le tableau des codes d'erreur possibles pour les rejets bancaires.
| colspan="2" | To help understanding the errors, this is a grid of all possible errors for EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer).  
| colspan="2" |
| colspan="2" |
Line 662: Line 710:
<center> 900 </center>  
<center> 900 </center>  
| width="75%" |  
| width="75%" |  
Rejet de validation
Edit Reject
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 901 </center>
<center> 901 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Sans provisions (débit seulement)
NSF (Debit Only)  
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 902 </center>
<center> 902 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Compte introuvable
Account not found
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 903 </center>
<center> 903 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Paiement arrêté/rappelé
Payment Stopped/Recalled
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 905 </center>
<center> 905 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Compte fermé
Account Closed
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 907 </center>
<center> 907 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Débit non permis
No Debit Allowed
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 908 </center>
<center> 908 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Fonds non libérés (débit seulement)
Funds Not Cleared (Debit Only)
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 909 </center>
<center> 909 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Devise n’est celle du compte
Currency/Account Mismatch
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 910 </center>
<center> 910 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Payeur/bénéficiaire décédé
Payor/Payee Deceased
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 911 </center>
<center> 911 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Compte bloqué
Account Frozen
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 912 </center>
<center> 912 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
N° de compte invalide/erroné
Invalid/Incorrect Account No.
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 914 </center>
<center> 914 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Nom de payeur/bénéficiaire
Incorrect Payor/Payee Name
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 915 </center>
<center> 915 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Accord n’existe pas
No Agreement Existed
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 916 </center>
<center> 916 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Pas conforme à l’accord personnel
Not According to Agreement Personal
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 917 </center>
<center> 917 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Accord révoqué personnel
Agreement Revoked Personal
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 918 </center>
<center> 918 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Pas de confirmation/préavis personnel
No Confirmation/Pre-Notification Personal
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 919 </center>
<center> 919 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Non conforme à l’accord – entreprise
Not According to Agreement - Business
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 920 </center>
<center> 920 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Accord révoqué entreprise
Agreement Revoked Business
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 921 </center>
<center> 921 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Pas de confirmation/préavis entreprise
No Confirmation/Pre-Notification Business
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 922 </center>
<center> 922 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Retour demandé par le client
Customer Initiated Return
| width="25%" |  
| width="25%" |  
<center> 990 </center>
<center> 990 </center>
| width="75%" |
| width="75%" |
Défaillance d’une institution financière
Institution in Default

Latest revision as of 12:20, 23 February 2017

Bank Rejections

CAUTION : This function is only available from the version 5.0.3.


Sometimes, it happens that a direct debit PaySafe transaction may be rejected. A bank reject is a transaction with a successful payment, which can be linked to a commitment, which is linked to a direct debit PaySafe token. No matter the reject reason, the transaction will get an error code and it will be necessary to process this rejection with the help of ProDon's functions. Depending of the bank reject type, the possibilities will be different. The Electronic Transaction module must be activated to access bank rejection.

Importing bank rejections

ProDon5 Bank Rejections 001.png
At the opening of ProDon, if there are bank rejects to import, this window will pop up.

ProDon5 Bank Rejections 002.png
To process the bank rejects, go to the "Batch Processing" tab and select "Bank rejections".

ProDon5 Bank Rejections 004.png
In this window, there is the "Import" button at the left. To import rejects, click on it.

So, this window will open:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 003.png

A: This option allows all new bank rejects that have not already been imported to be imported.

B: This option allows bank rejects in a precise lap of time to be imported again.

C: When the choice is made, click on "Ok" to confirm the bank rejects to import.

ProDon5 Bank Rejections 006.png
To process a reject, select the reject to process in this window. Be sure that the ProDon5 Bank Rejections 005.png button is highlighted to only display the unprocessed rejections.

After double-clicking on a bank reject, this window will open:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 009.png
This window contains all operations applicable on a reject. The blue buttons are the ones that can be applied to the current rejection, the grey buttons are locked because they are not applicable.
CAUTION: The processing of a reject is an irreversible action.

The "Explanations of operations" button will display explanations about available operations. By putting the mouse pointer over a button will give a hint to explain what it will do. See below:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 008.png
Furthermore, when clicking on the "Explanations of operations" button, this window will open:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 007.png

Cancel all transactions

The "Cancel all transactions" button is available as soon as there is at least one transaction without commitment. For example, a client makes a donation directly on the website of the organization, but this donation is not linked to a commitment and is rejected. This function will cancel all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions related to a precise token.

ProDon5 Bank Rejections 010.png
From this window, click on "Cancel all transactions".

Then, this window will open:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 011.png

A: Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.

B: Clicking on "No" will go back to the last step.

So, these 2 windows will pop-up:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 012.png

A: In this window, select a reason to process the reject. Once the reason is selected, click on "Ok". After this step, all transactions linked to this token will be cancelled.

Caution: After this step, it will be impossible to go back.

B: This window cannot be selected. It is used to show the processing of the operation.

Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 013.png
Caution: See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.

Cancel all transactions and reactivate the token

The "Cancel all transactions and reactivate the token" is available as soon as there is at least a transaction and a commitment. For example, the automatic instalment comes on Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) in the client's account for his/her commitment. This function will cancel all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions linked to this token and it will reactivate it. By reactivating it, it will be usable again.

When the reject window open, these are the available options :
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 014.png
From this window, select the "Cancel all transaction and reactivate the token" button.

Then, after clicking on the button, this window will open:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 015.png

A: Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.

B: Clicking on "No" will go back to the last step.

So, these 2 windows will pop up:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 016.png

A: In this window, select a reason to process the reject. Once a reason is selected, click on "Ok". After this step, all transaction will be cancelled and the token will be reactivated.

Caution: After this step, it will be impossible to go back.

B: This window cannot be selected. Its use is to show the processing of the operation.

Then, this message will appear to confirm the token reactivation:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 017.png
Click on "Ok" to continue.

Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 018.png
Caution: See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.

Cancel all transactions and replace the token

The "Cancel all transaction and replace the token" button is available as soon as there is at least a transaction and a commitment. For example, the automatic instalment create a reject telling the account is closed. This function will cancel all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions linked to this token and replace it. The new bank information will have to be entered to link a new account to the client.

When the reject window open, these are the available options:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 019.png
From this window, select the "Cancel all transactions and replace the token" button.

Then, after clicking on the button, this window opens:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 020.png

A: Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.

B: Clicking on "No" will go back to the last step.

So, these 2 windows open:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 021.png

A: In this window, select a reason to process the reject. Once a reason is selected, click on "Ok". After this step, all transactions will be cancelled and the token will be replaced.

Caution: After this step, it will be impossible to go back.

B: This window cannot be selected. Its use is to show the processing of the operation.

Then, this page opens to allow a new token to be created to replace the old one:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 022.png
The bank information of the client must be entered to continue.

The validation page is displayed if the information entered before are valid:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 023.png

Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 024.png
Caution: See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.

Renew the transactions and reactivate the token

The "Renew the transactions and reactivate the token" button is available as soon as there is a transaction. For example, the transaction has been rejected, the client adds some money to his account, he contacts the organization to tell to redo the transaction in the same account. This function will redo all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions and reactivate the token. These transactions will be passed in the same account.

When the reject window open, these are the available options:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 025.png
From this window, select the "Renew the transactions and reactivate the token" button.

Then, this window will pop up:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 026.png

A: Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step. After this step, the transactions will be renewed and the token will be reactivated.

Caution: After this step, it will be impossible to go back.

B: Clicking on "No" will go back to the last step.

So, this message will pop up to confirm the reactivation of the token:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 027.png
Click on "Ok" to continue.

Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 028.png
Caution: See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.

Renew the transactions and replace the token

The "Renew the transactions and replace the token" button is available as soon as there is a transaction. For example, the transaction has been rejected, the client has changed his account and contacted the organization to give his new information and tells that the transaction can be done in this new account. This function will redo all untransferred transactions and all rejected transactions and will replace the token. Then, the transactions will be done in this new account.

When the reject window open, these are the available options:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 029.png
From this window, select the "Renew the transactions and replace the token" button.

Then, after clicking on the button, this window will open:

ProDon5 Bank Rejections 030.png

A: Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.

B: Clicking on "No" will go back.

Then, this page opens to allow a new token to be create to replace the old one:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 022.png
The bank information of the client must be entered to continue.

The validation page is displayed if the information entered before are valid:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 023.png

Once all steps finished, this window will be displayed:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 031.png
Caution: See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.

Reactivate the token

The "Reactivate the token" is available as soon as there is a commitment without transaction. For example, the transaction has been rejected, the client contact the organization to cancel it, but she asks to keep the same bank information, so they must be reactivated.

When the reject window opens, these are the available options:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 032.png
From this window, select the "Reactivate the token" button.

Then, this window opens:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 033.png

A: Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step. After this step, the token will be reactivated.

Caution: After this step, it will be impossible to go back.

B: Clicking on "No" will go back.

Then, this message will pop up to confirm the token reactivation:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 034.png
Click on "Ok" to continue.

Once all step finished, this window will be displayed:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 035.png
Caution: See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.

Replace the token

The "Replace the token" button is available as soon as there is a commitment and no transaction. For example, the transaction has been rejected, the client, which is having a commitment with the organization, contact the organization to cancel the transaction and he gives his new bank information for the next transactions of the commitment. This function will replace the token to change the bank information of this commitment.

When the reject window opens, these are the available options:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 036.png
From this window, select the "Replace the token" button.

Then, this window pops up:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 037.png

A: Clicking on "Yes" will continue to the next step.

Caution: After this step, it will be impossible to go back.

B: Clicking on "No" will go back.

Then, this page opens to allow a new token to be created to replace the old one:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 022.png
The bank information of the client must be entered to continue.

The validation page is displayed if the information entered before are valid:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 023.png

Once all step finished, this window will be displayed:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 038.png
Caution: See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.

Mark as ignored

The "Mark as ignored" button is always available. This function will ignore the reject while not touching the token. Without modification, the token cannot be used anymore.

When the reject window opens, these are the available options:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 039.png
From this window, select the "Ignore the reject" button.

Then, this window will pop up:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 040.png

A: Clicking on "Yes" will ignore the reject.

Caution: After this step, it will be impossible to go back.

B: Clicking on "No" will go back.

Once this step finished, this window opens:
ProDon5 Bank Rejections 041.png
Caution: See that the selected function is highlighted and all other functions are locked.

Error code grid

To help understanding the errors, this is a grid of all possible errors for EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer).

Edit Reject


NSF (Debit Only)


Account not found


Payment Stopped/Recalled


Account Closed


No Debit Allowed


Funds Not Cleared (Debit Only)


Currency/Account Mismatch


Payor/Payee Deceased


Account Frozen


Invalid/Incorrect Account No.


Incorrect Payor/Payee Name


No Agreement Existed


Not According to Agreement – Personal


Agreement Revoked – Personal


No Confirmation/Pre-Notification – Personal


Not According to Agreement - Business


Agreement Revoked – Business


No Confirmation/Pre-Notification – Business


Customer Initiated Return


Institution in Default

Document name: ProDon:Bank Rejections
Version : 5.0.3